Sunday, November 30, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree......

I hope that everyone had a
Happy Thanksgiving and could enjoy
it with family & friends.
We celebrated our Thanksgiving last Sunday.
I had to work Thanksgiving Eve so I knew I wouldn't
be up to making Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving, plus our Son & DIL
were traveling to Iowa for Thanksgiving.
Now that Thanksgiving is behind us I can officially post Christmas projects.
I know, I know, I  posted a Christmas project last week but I just couldn't help myself!
Now I'm really going to shock you!
Our Christmas tree is up and decorated!

We actually put it up last Saturday.
It's a family tradition for us to have the Christmas tree up for Thanksgiving.
We started doing this years ago because we would travel to Pennsylvania
and celebrate Thanksmas (Thanksgiving & Christmas) and I didn't want
to mess with the tree when we got home from vacation.  Plus we love
having the Christmas tree up early.

Did you happen to notice my tree skirt?
Our tree is 7 1/2 feet tall and very wide.  It was hard to find a tree skirt
that would fit under it without looking too small.  So what do you do when
you can't find one you like?  Well, if you're like me you make your own!  This tree skirt is 60".
And you know what? 
I absolutely LOVE it! 
How silly of me to think that I could buy one that I liked!
Here's a closer look.
It's made with flannel and wool.
I hand stitched the sleighs and flowers.  After I got it all put together I sent it out to have it quilted.
For several years now I have been creating a handmade Christmas
ornament for our tree.  Eventually I will have enough to decorate one Christmas
tree with all the handmade ornaments.

Here are just a few from years past that help fill our tree.

This one I made in 3 different colors.
And this is what I came up with for this year's ornament.
I took a single elegant snowflake design and made it 3 dimensional.
It has LOTS of sparkle!
It is beautifully elegant just like a snowflake.
Here it is on the tree.
That's it for this week.
Make sure you check back in next week because you won't want to miss
my next project I just completed.
I took something plain and turned it into something SPECTACULAR!
Hubby says it has the "WOW" factor.
Anxiously awaiting the next BIG reveal,

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