Sunday, March 8, 2015

Meet Jack

Happy Daylight Savings Day!
I'm not crazy about losing an hour on my weekend,
but I do enjoy the extra hour of daylight we get each day!
Easter is fast approaching and I realized I
didn't have an Easter wreath to hang.
So I got busy yesterday and made
this wreath to hang.
Isn't he just the CUTEST!
He measures 43 inches from the top of his ears to
the tips of his toes and he is 24 inches wide.
He's one BIG bunny!
He looked o.k. with just his head but I thought
he would look better with legs.
You'll never guess what I made his legs from....
...pipe insulation and a metal coat hanger.
I took the coat hanger and stuck in down the middle of the
pipe insulation and bent it at the bottom to form a foot,
and then I bent it again in the middle to give him a knee.
Then I wrapped the pipe insulation with a burlap garland
and attached the legs to the wreath form.
Hubby really likes Jack.
If you like Jack I am trying to get supplies to make
a couple more to sell.  I'm not sure if I will have the
supplies before Easter though.
If you haven't already subscribed by email to
my blog make sure you do as I will be posting
all of the information about my wreath shop here
just as soon as I get everything set up.
Well, I'm off to make a couple more wreaths
for my wreath shop.
Until next time,

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