Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter and a DIY

Happy Easter Everyone!
Yesterday we spent time with our Son & DIL.
They just purchased their first home and moved in.
We are so excited for them!
 Today we are enjoying a quiet day.

I'm glad that I was finally able to complete this next project last weekend.
I've been wanting to make this project for some time but
wasn't able to find what I wanted until two weeks ago.
I happened to stop in at our local thrift store and spotted this in the back of the store.
So I grabbed it and brought it home.
It's 27 inches x 39 inches.
It's BIG!  It's exactly what I was looking for.
 I finally had everything I needed.
Hubby saw it sitting in our laundry room and shook his head
and said, "I can't even imagine what you are going to do with that".
I wiped the whole picture down with a damp rag to remove any dust and dirt.
I took the picture completely apart and painted the frame with white paint.
By taking the picture apart I didn't have to tape anything off.
So much easier and faster to paint with no worries about
getting paint on unwanted areas.

Next I grabbed my chalkboard paint and painted 2 coats right over
the picture using a foam roller.
Once the paint was dry I assembled it back together.
By now you probably have guessed what I made.
It's a Chalkboard!
Before you can write on your new chalkboard you have to cure it.
This makes erasing your images easier and prevents it from
leaving behind any permanent images.
To cure your chalkboard simply rub chalk all over the
board, completely covering it.
Using a rag, or eraser, erase the chalk from the board.
No waiting time required.
Your chalkboard is now ready to use!
I LOVE my new chalkboard.
This is what I drew on it for Easter.
I love that I can change this by simply erasing and drawing
a new design whenever the mood strikes me!
I have this hanging in my kitchen.
I drew the image on it while Hubby was sleeping.
When he woke up and walked in the kitchen he noticed it right away.
He likes my new chalkboard and thinks it is a neat idea.
Just think of all the "To Do Lists" I can leave for Hubby!
Just kidding, sort of.
Check back in next week I'm hoping to change my design to welcome
in Spring.
See you next time,

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