Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Burlap Topiary

The space under my DIY Botanical prints was looking a little bare.
I needed something that would fill in that empty space between
the prints and the trash bin.  I wanted something that had a
little height to it yet would blend in with the prints.
I've been wanting to make a topiary for some time
now and thought that one would look good on the trash bin.
I decided to use a galvanized bucket, burlap and faux moss
to give my topiary a natural feel to it.
I think that this was the perfect fit for
that empty space.
Here is a closer look.
These were super easy to make and only costs me $2.17 to make 2!
I had everything except the buckets and dowel rod.
Here is how I made my topiary.
1 - 4 inch Styrofoam ball
Container to place your topiary in (purchased 2 from Michael's for .79 cents each)
Material of choice (I used Burlap)
dowel rod (purchased 1 from Michael's for .59 cents)
paint or stain
square piece of Styrofoam (this is to anchor the topiary)
Hot Glue Gun
*I tried using straight pins but they wouldn't hold the burlap
Stones or marbles or anything to weight the topiary down
Let's get started!
Paint or stain your dowel rod and set aside to dry.
Cut your material into 5 inch squares (I used approx. 50 squares per topiary).
Grab a  squares and fold it into a triangle shape.

Place a drop of hot glue at the bottom point and bring the right-hand point down and adhere.
(I use a wooden screwer so I didn't burn my fingers)
Turn your piece over and repeat the same process.
Add a drop of hot glue to the bottom point and adhere to the Styrofoam ball.
(Ignore the straight pins) 
Continue making your points and adding them to the Styrofoam ball until the ball is completely covered, making sure that you leave a small area open on the bottom to attach the dowel rod.

The next few steps I didn't take any pictures to show.  It was getting late and I was in a hurry to get these done.  I'm confident that you will be able to compete these without any visuals.
Once your Styrofoam ball is completely covered, insert your dowel rod into the bottom and hot glue in place.
Stand your topiary up in your container to determine how tall you want it.
Cut your dowel rod to size and place in the center of your Styrofoam square and hot glue into place.
Hot glue the bottom of your Styrofoam square and adhere inside your container.
Add your stones to the container.
If you are adding moss to your topiary, place hot glue on top of the stones and add your moss, being careful not to burn your fingers.
You now have a beautiful topiary to display.
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,


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