Sunday, July 26, 2015

A New Toy...I Mean Tool

I have been wanting one of these for SO LONG!
If you follow me on Pinterest you probably already know what it is
because I have been pinning so much about it!
These aren't cheap by any means and because it was a WANT,
 and not a necessity, the money wasn't coming out of the household budget.
If I wanted one I had to somehow come up with the extra money
to buy one on my own.
This is my WANT.
A brand spanking new DSLR Camera!
I wanted to be able to have complete control over my camera.
Well wouldn't you know.
 I found a way to get one without even trying!
Isn't it funny how when you least expect it everything
suddenly falls into place.
I created something and took it to work to show it off.
I had a couple of co-workers asks me if I make them to sell
because they wanted to give these as gifts.
I had never thought about selling them, I just wanted to know
what other people thought of them.
After I received a couple of requests to make them I got to thinking,
maybe I could sell enough to buy my new toy tool I have been wanting.
I did just that!
I sold more than enough to buy my new WANT!
These practically sold themselves!
Word got around and I had people coming to me to order them.
Some people came back and ordered more!
I would show you what it is but because I received such positive comments,
I decided to give these as Christmas gifts and I don't want the recipients to see them.
I have been very busy learning how to use my new camera.
I went outside and started playing around and snapping pictures.
I think my pictures didn't turn out too shabby for
an amateur photographer if I do say so myself.
Bear in mind that I still have a LOT to learn about photography.
These are straight from the camera and the only thing I did to these
pictures was crop them, that's it!
 Here are a few pictures that I took.....o.k. more than a few.
Our Balloon Flowers
Our Shasta Daisies and Yarrow
Do you see the droplet of water?

Our Hydrangea

Showing our Patriot Spirit!

One of our wind chimes with the sky as the background
Playing with shadows
Our Stargazer Lilies
We went to our Son & DIL's house yesterday to cut up a HUGE
tree limb that had fallen.  They have a lot of old oak trees around their house.
Of course I took my new camera with me!
While there I snapped a few more pictures.
One of their many oak trees
Their Pee Gee Hydrangeas have HUGH blooms on them.
Can you spot the bee on their Black Eyed Susans?
Their Phlox are such a beautiful color.
And they have 2 new Russian Blue kitties.
Here is one of them.
Notice how they blend in with their couch?
Before we left home, Hubby said "Quick grab your camera
and come take a picture of this!"
This really was a quickly taken photo.
I think it turned out pretty good for a quick picture.
She was so focused on that chipmunk.
 Sorry that I overloaded you with pictures.
Can you tell I'm just SO EXCITED about my new camera?
Well, I'm off to learn and capture more pictures!
Until Next Time,

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