Sunday, July 19, 2015

From Gold to Concrete

While out-n-about yesterday I thought I would pop
into our local Thrift store and see what I could
Well wouldn't you know, I did find something!
I came walking out to the car with this.
Hubby just gave me that look, you know the one,
the one that says "what in the world are you
going to do with THAT thing?"
That THING costs me a whole $1.69!
I wasn't interested in the fake plant thingy,
I was interested in the urn.
Every time we go to a garden center I am always checking out
the concrete urns hoping that they would be on sale.
No such luck yet!
I was so EXCITED when I spotted this urn.
It was the exact style I was looking for!
Once we got home I got right to work on THAT thing.
I dug out my Annie Sloan Chalk paints.
I painted the whole thing with Paris Grey.
Then I applied Annie Sloan Soft Dark wax and gently rubbed it into the
crevices to give it an aged look.
The final step was to give it a white-washed look.
I poured some of the Annie Sloan Pure White into a container
and diluted it with a little bit of water.  Once it was thin enough,
I applied this to the entire outside of the urn and again gently rubbed it off.
After about 30 minutes of dry time it was ready to decorate.
Here is my new and improved urn.
Hubby was amazed that this looks like it is made out of concrete,
It's that real looking.
Have you priced those concrete urns?
There're not cheap that's for sure!
For $1.69, a little time and paint, I think mine looks just as good as the real deal.
I'd call that a good investment!
Isn't it amazing how a little bit of paint can transform something?
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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