Sunday, September 27, 2015

Tabletop Greenhouse Tutorial

These tabletop greenhouses are so easy to make.
I know I say that about everything that I do,
but these really are easy and inexpensive to make,
plus they are lightweight.
I went to the Dollar Store and purchased
8 cheap, lightweight pictures frames.
2 - 8 x 10
2 - 5 x 7
4 - 4 x 6
Total costs for these picture frames were $8.44.
First I removed the backing and the glass.
I painted the frames, front and back, with white paint.
After the frames have dried it's time to secure the glass
in each frame.
On the backside of the picture frame, place a small dot of hot glue
into each corner and place the glass in, gently pushing into place.
Secure with the metal tabs.
Run a line of hot glue around the entire
edge of the glass.  This will prevent the glass from falling out.
Once all the frames have been assembled it's now time
to build your greenhouse.
Using the 8 x 10 and 5 x 7 frames, run a line of hot glue
down the side of the 5 x 7 frame and secure to the 8 x 10 frames.
It's o.k. if they don't match up perfectly.
Continue to glue on each frame until you've created a box.
Once your box is created, run a line of hot glue down each
corner on the inside of the box.  This will make it more secure.
Time to create the roof.
Take 2 of the 4 x 6 frames and glue together horizontally.
Make 2 of these.
You want to be able to bend the roof in half.
We will be using Duct tape.
Yes, you read that right. Duct tape.
Because I painted my greenhouse white, I used white Duct tape.
You want the Duct tape to blend in with the rest of the greenhouse.
Grab your 2 sets and tape them together horizontally,
like so.
Your rooftop should look like this when folded in half.
Hot glue your roof onto your greenhouse box.
You may want someone to help you hold the roof
while you glue it into place.
You can leave your greenhouse as is and call it done.
I of coarse had to add a few other details to my greenhouse
before I was satisfied with it.
I added a bottom, an extra piece on the side,
and a dowel rod across the top.
That's it!
I Love It!
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, September 20, 2015

DIY Tabletop Greenhouse

Fall is in the air.
I'm doing my happy dance!
It's my favorite time of year!
Last year I was looking on the
Pottery Barn website and saw this cute little tabletop terrarium
and fell in love with it right away......

Source:  Pottery Barn
and then I saw the price....$349.00!
As much as I LOVED it there was no way I was going to pay
that price.
No way indeed!
Besides Hubby would have had a heart attack if I did.
And we didn't want that to happen!
So I saved the picture instead.
I am always looking for new ways to
style our home.
As I was looking for inspiration I came across the picture I had
saved of the Pottery Barn terrarium.
Pottery Barn still sells them and if I hurry
I could get it for $279.00!
Nope, still not happening!
I could see using this terrarium numerous ways.
I guess if I wanted one I would have to make one.
Imagine that, me making something!
I could TOTALLY do this!
I couldn't wait to get it completed and styled.
This is my version and it's ready for Fall!
(lots of different views)

Isn't it just the CUTEST!
It only cost me......$15.00 to make!
That's a HECK of a SAVINGS!
$349.00 or $15.00?
It's a no brainer!
Heck, I LOVE everything I make otherwise
you wouldn't get to see the pictures!
Check back in next week and I'll show you how I made it.
I just know that you will want to make one too!
Can you tell I'm LOVING my new camera?
 Yesterday I ordered another new lens for it.
I can't wait to get it and play around with it, I mean work with it.
I'm sure you'll be seeing lots of pictures in the future.
That's it for this week.
Enjoy the cooler temps.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Another Thrift Store Find

Hubby is still recovering from his surgery.
He ended up getting a BAD staph infection
and is on heavy duty antibiotics.
Today he is showing signs of improvement!
It's a good thing that we have been home lately.
We had water damage in our lower lever
which needed to be taken care of immediately!
So the last 4 days I have been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning,
sorting, sorting, sorting, throwing away and donating what I could
and still trying to take care of Hubby.
It was a MESS!
On one of my trips to donate items to our local Thrift store,
I thought that I would pop in quickly to see if I could find
anything that I could repurpose.
I needed a little de-stressing therapy!
I found another urn!
This one costs me $2.29.
I knew exactly what I was going to do with this!
This one also had some fake flower arrangement that I removed
and donated back to the Thrift store.
I wanted only the urn.
This baby is HEAVY!
I liked the color o.k. but it was just a little too orange-y looking for me.
I wanted it to look like it had been sitting outside in
the elements and had developed a beautiful patina to it.
So I dug out my paints and painted it.
After the paint had dried I planted some succulents in it.
It now has that perfectly aged look.
I have a secret....
My succulents are faux.
Could you tell that they are fake?
Take a closer look.
Hubby sure couldn't tell the difference!
They even feel like the real deal.
Right before I took my pictures, I spritzed my plants with a
water bottle to make it look like I had just watered them.
Wet or dry these plants look so realistic!
I am so happy how this little project turned out.
Especially since I don't have to worry about watering these!
They will last forever...
 or until our cat decides she wants to chew on them!
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, September 6, 2015

P... On Our Front Door

Happy Labor Day Weekend!
I was going to post
"How to Mat Your Own Art Work"
but in my hast of trying to get things done
I didn't take any pictures!
Once I get another piece of art work that I
want to mat and frame I will take pictures!
I Promise!
Are you doing anything fun this weekend,
or are you like me and trying
to squeeze some projects in?
In between Hubby resting and
recovering from his surgery,
I have been able to get a few
of my projects that have been
on hold done.
One of those projects was ANOTHER new Fall wreath
for our front door.
What can I say...I like variety!
Did I fool you with the title?
I just couldn't resist!

 This really was a simple project but a little time consuming.
I did take some, not a lot, of pictures along the way.
I know that you will be able to do this without
a lot of visuals.
Here is how I made my Letter Wreath.
1 - Cardboard letter
1 - Ball of twine ( you can purchase this from Walmart in the jewelry making dept.)
*the thicker the twine the less you have to wrap*
Hot Glue Gun & glue sticks
Embellishments of choice
Ribbon (Optional)
I purchased a cardboard letter from Hobby Lobby. I timed it just right and they had all of their cardboard letters on sale.  Mine cost $5.99.  It measures 14" L x 10" W x 2" D, a nice size for a front door.
This is the twine that I used.
The first thing that I did was to cover the top and bottom of my letter.
I cut pieces of twine about 5 inches long and glued them across the top and bottom of the letter.
After you have the top and bottom of your letter wrapped you can begin wrapping the rest of your letter. Take the end of your twine and hot glue to the backside of your letter.  DO NOT CUT YOUR TWINE.  Start wrapping your letter all the way around and hot glue at the beginning of each wrap.  There really is no right or wrong way of wrapping your letter.  Do what you think looks best.
I got a little creative and added a little design on my letter.
 After I had my letter completely wrapped it was time to embellish it!

I created 3 flowers from felt...
and attached them to my wreath using Velcro.
I created a bow from satin ribbon and used Velcro again to attach it.
This way I will be able to easily change the look of my wreath when the mood strikes me.
My P wreath is complete! 

Costs to make this was $5.99.  I had everything from previous projects except
the cardboard letter.
I will do a  post on how I made my felt flowers at another time.
I hope you enjoyed my Letter wreath post.
Enjoy your long weekend!
Until Next Time,