Sunday, September 20, 2015

DIY Tabletop Greenhouse

Fall is in the air.
I'm doing my happy dance!
It's my favorite time of year!
Last year I was looking on the
Pottery Barn website and saw this cute little tabletop terrarium
and fell in love with it right away......

Source:  Pottery Barn
and then I saw the price....$349.00!
As much as I LOVED it there was no way I was going to pay
that price.
No way indeed!
Besides Hubby would have had a heart attack if I did.
And we didn't want that to happen!
So I saved the picture instead.
I am always looking for new ways to
style our home.
As I was looking for inspiration I came across the picture I had
saved of the Pottery Barn terrarium.
Pottery Barn still sells them and if I hurry
I could get it for $279.00!
Nope, still not happening!
I could see using this terrarium numerous ways.
I guess if I wanted one I would have to make one.
Imagine that, me making something!
I could TOTALLY do this!
I couldn't wait to get it completed and styled.
This is my version and it's ready for Fall!
(lots of different views)

Isn't it just the CUTEST!
It only cost me......$15.00 to make!
That's a HECK of a SAVINGS!
$349.00 or $15.00?
It's a no brainer!
Heck, I LOVE everything I make otherwise
you wouldn't get to see the pictures!
Check back in next week and I'll show you how I made it.
I just know that you will want to make one too!
Can you tell I'm LOVING my new camera?
 Yesterday I ordered another new lens for it.
I can't wait to get it and play around with it, I mean work with it.
I'm sure you'll be seeing lots of pictures in the future.
That's it for this week.
Enjoy the cooler temps.
Until Next Time,

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