Sunday, August 14, 2016

Fooling The Senses

I have been asked if I could make some cupcakes
for our DIL's upcoming baby shower.
Imagine that, me being asked to bake something.

Oh, and they had to have a nautical theme to them!

What is that you say? 
Another challenge?

I've made plenty of cupcakes before,
both from scratch and a box mix,
but nothing that had a theme to it.
I was more than willing to contribute
to helping with the baby shower in any way I could.

Challenge accepted!

Because I have to make so many cupcakes,
I wanted to be able to make the cupcakes
quickly, but yet I wanted them to look
and taste like they just came from the Bakery.
Have you ever bought cupcakes from a Bakery?
They look and taste so good!

That's how I want my cupcakes to look and taste!

I thought I would play around with a few recipes
before the shower and take them to work to see what
my co-workers had to say about them.

My co-workers LOVE to be my guinea pigs taste testers!
I apparently nailed it on the first recipe!
Here are a few of the comments I received.

1. "What is up with these cupcakes. They are
so incredible! Where did you buy them?"

2. "These are to die for.  Where did you buy them?"

3. "This is THE BEST frosting I have
ever tasted!  Where did you get these cupcakes?"

4.  "Seriously, you need to quit your day job
and open up your own Bakery.  These are
THE BEST cupcakes I have ever eaten
and I have eaten my share of cupcakes!"

These are the cupcakes that I took to work.
How did I fool them?

These are my secret ingredients.
Yes, I fooled them by using a box cake mix!
By simply substituting a few of the ingredients
you will end up with a cake, or cupcakes, that
tastes like they just came from the Bakery!

Here is how I made my "Just From The Bakery Cupcakes".

Any box cake mix will do.
I just happened to have this box mix in my pantry.

Open your box mix and pour into a mixing bowl.
According to the box mix directions, add 1 cup of water,
3 eggs and 1/2 cup of oil.

INSTEAD I substituted and added,

1 cup of 2% milk
4 eggs
1 stick melted butter, (salted or unsalted)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Don't worry that your batter will be thicker and look like pancake batter.
Pour the batter into your cupcake molds and bake according
to the cake box mix directions.
Remove from oven and let cool completely before frosting.
Word got out quickly at work about my cupcakes.
I happened to look at the desk where I placed
the cupcakes and it was like a feeding frenzy
was going on!

No joking!

I have since had a few people ask if I have
any of "those cupcakes" they can buy from me.

Sorry, they were gone in mere seconds!
24 cupcakes gone (picture me snapping my fingers) just like that! 
Who would have thought that by substituting and
adding a few ingredients would make that big of a difference?

Later I will do a post about "THE MOST INCREDIBLE FROSTING".
You will be surprised how it is made.

Until Next Time,

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