Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sailing Away

I finally get to show you what I made for
our Son and DIL.


First off, let me just say that we are going to be
GRANDPARENTS for the first time!!!!
We've known for awhile but we didn't
want to make any announcements until
we were sure that everything was going
to be o.k.
 Mom, Dad & Baby are all doing well.
Oh, and we know that we are going
to have a GRANDSON!

Our DIL has decided that she would
like to decorate the nursery in a Nautical theme
with the colors, navy, white, teal, and a touch of yellow.
She was looking at Nautical Baby Mobiles
and just couldn't find one she liked, so
she ask if I could come up with something.

Oh the challenges I must endure!

I made a Nautical Baby Mobile and
incorporated the colors she chose for the nursery.

This is our DIL at 25 weeks holding her new Baby Mobile.
She was thrilled with it.
Her comment when she saw it was,
"It is super, super, cute"!
I'm glad she liked it so much.

Here are the close ups.
I created and cut each of the ornaments using my
Silhouette Cameo cutting system.
I wanted each of the ornaments to be sturdy,
so I used thick watercolor paper as the base,
and layered each ornament 3 times.
Each of the ornaments are also decorated on both sides.
I didn't want to leave the top of the mobile
blank, so I created this cute little whale
to float above the ornaments.

Isn't he a cute, happy whale?
The biggest challenge was deciding what to hang the
ornaments from.  I finally came up with the idea of using
a ship's wheel.  I made a 12 inch ship wheel using the
watercolor paper and layering it 4 times.  I originally
was going to paint the ship wheel so that it would
have a wood-like look to it.  I quickly abandoned that
idea as it would be very time consuming and I
wasn't sure I could achieve the look I was going for.
Then I remembered that I had just bought a roll of
contact paper with a wood look to it! You know
the kind that you line kitchen cupboards with?
Could I possibly use that to achieve the look I was going for?
Why yes!
It worked PERFECTLY, knots and all!
Some times I amaze myself!
Next up are the sailboats.
I layered the base with navy, yellow, white and teal cardstock.
Mini ship wheels.  Again, I lined them with the contact paper.
Each one has a different wood-look pattern.
The lighthouses I painted on teal stripes,and added windows
with the glow of lights.
And lastly, how can you not add an anchor to a nautical theme?
I layered navy cardstock and painted on white dots.
To put the mobile together I used clear jewelry 
making wire, basically it's fishing line,
 and ran it through the top and bottom of each ornament.
If I do say so myself, I think it turned out pretty darn cute!
What do you think?
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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