Sunday, August 21, 2016

Perfectly Imperfect Farmhouse Clock

I don't know what it is about clocks
that draw me in.  I LOVE them.
I have clocks in just about every
room in our home and some rooms
have more than one.

Our Son and DIL bought this clock
when they moved into their home.
Hubby and I really liked this clock
when we saw it.  That's unusual for Hubby to
comment on home decor so I knew that he was serious.
Our Son and DIL bought this from the local HomeGoods store.
Unfortunately for us, this was the only one.  Dang. That's the thing
about HomeGoods stores, if you see something you like
you had better buy it when you see it.
So I have since been on the look-out for another clock similar to this one.
Have you seen all of the Farmhouse style clocks
that are popping up everywhere?

I love the style and simplicity of these clocks,
but what I don't love are the prices.  These
clocks are selling for $55.00 - $400.00 or more,
depending on the size you are looking for!


Oh course, I wanted a big one.
I'm sure it has something to do with the show Fixer Upper.
Here is a shocker to some of you.
I have NEVER seen a Fixer Upper show!
I've heard plenty about the show though,
such as, how much I would like the show
because of the simple, clean styles and the DIY projects.
I know, it's crazy right?
I just don't have the time to sit and watch t.v.
I'm too busy creating my own style.

It doesn't look like I'm going to get a big Farmhouse clock any time soon.
(insert pouty face)

But wait!

I was wandering around Home Depot one
night with Hubby and came across this round wooden disc
and my wheels started turning.
I could make my own Farmhouse clock!
I was so excited to find this!
You should have seen the look on a couple of guys
faces in the aisle with me when I discovered this disc.
They were probably thinking "that is one crazy woman".
Seriously, how many woman get crazy over a piece of round wooden disc?
It only cost $6.88 and it measures 24 inches!
So it came home with me (I mean us).
Of course Hubby couldn't understand when I told him I
was going to make a Farmhouse clock with it,
 but that didn't stop me from throwing it into the cart.
This WOMAN was on a mission!

Here is our new/old Farmhouse clock.
It is Perfectly Imperfect.
I LOVE it!
It appealed to Hubby also because he commented that
"I make really nice things".
Isn't he just the sweetest.

It turned out just how I imagined it would.
And the best part about this DIY?
It costs less than $10.00 to make!


Yes, seriously.
I had everything except the round wooden disc
and the Balsa wood to make the hands.

My mission has been completed.
If I get tired of the clock above the fireplace
there are a lot of other areas in the house
where this clock will look good.

Check back next week and I will show you
how I created my Perfectly Imperfect Farmhouse Clock.

Until Next Time,

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