Sunday, September 18, 2016

Just A Swinging

Just popping in with a quick post today.
I've been very busy trying to get a
lot of projects completed around here.

Then to throw in a little more
pressure, I had a co-worker who was
in the middle of decorating her 7 year old
granddaughter's bedroom and couldn't
find what she was looking for.
So she came seeking me out because
she knew that I would be able to help her.

Her granddaughter wanted a vinyl wall
decal that had an owl on a swing and she wanted it to
match the colors in her bedroom.
Oh, and she wanted her name in cursive,
even though she can't read cursive yet.

I had my co-worker bring me in a pillow
and a paint swatch that was going to
be used in the new bedroom.
I told her that I would see what I
could come up with.

I made a rough draft and sent it for approval.

They were both excited about it and gave
me the go ahead.

Want to see what I came up with?

Here it is laid out on our living room floor to see how it would look.
The tree is 45 inches long!
The owl measures 8.5" x 11".
Her name measures 26".

My co-worker's granddaughter applied most of this
to her wall by herself.  The only thing her grandmother
helped her with was the name, to make sure it was straight.

Here it is on her freshly painted room.
They were both beyond excited with the results.
What a sweet little girls room this turned out to be.
I'm so happy that I was able to help them out.

Well, I'm off to try and finish up a few more projects.

Until Next Time,

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