Sunday, September 25, 2016

A BaByQ Party

Our DIL doesn't like attention drawn to herself.
She didn't want a baby shower because
it would draw attention to her, even
though this is her first baby.
Her sister really wanted to throw her
a baby shower, so she worked with
our DIL and they compromised on
having a BBQ/Baby shower instead.
That way all of the men could attend and
it would seem more like a get together.
No games were played and she requested
that the presents not be wrapped.
(No drawing attention to her by opening presents)
The BaByQ was going to have a Nautical theme.
Custom made invites were sent out.
No, I did not make these, and
I deleted some of the info.
Here is our DIL the day of the party.
She is 30 weeks along in this picture.
I was asked to make cupcakes to bring to the party.
They had no idea that I was going to do this with the cupcakes.

Cupcakes displayed in an anchor shape,
and cupcakes with eatable whale tails that I created.
There was plenty to eat. 
We had brats, hamburgers, hot dogs, fish and chips, shrimp dip, and finger foods.
I also brought along a fruit salad that I made.
Since it was going to be a Nautical theme,
I created a whale bowl to place the fruit salad in.
I mentioned that I was going to bring a fruit salad
but I didn't tell them what I was bringing it in.
Imagine their surprise when I showed up with
the cupcakes and fruit salad displayed for a Nautical theme.
Here is a closer view of the whale bowl with the fruit salad in it.
I will share how I made the whale bowl and fruit salad in a later post.
Here is a picture of one of the tables.
This is their version of the fish and chips.
Funny, huh?
Little "Thank You" milk cartons were created to give each guest.

Inside the milk cartons were little Hersey kisses,
with little stickers on the bottom, and Baby Ruth bars.
Sorry I ate the Baby Ruth bars before I took my pictures.
They also created these mason jars with Lifesavers on them
for our drinks that were sent home with us also.
It was a HUGH successful BaByQ party.
This was actually their second party thrown for them.
I wanted to take pictures of the Baby's room with all
the gifts they received, but there were so many people
and gifts in the room that it was hard to get a good picture.
I mentioned to our son the other day that they have
so much in the baby's room that there isn't
any room for our grandson.
His comment was , "We'll STUFF him in there somewhere."

That's all I have for this week.

Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. Baby shower seems to be quite exciting. In search of some really good San Francisco event venues for my sister's bridal shower next month. Saw many of them online. Will ask for a suggestion from my friend. Bought a pretty dress for bride to be. Hope she feels on cloud nine and enjoys her special days.
