Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Little Addition

Our Grandson decided that he wanted
to arrive a week early, which we
were totally o.k. with.
Mama, Daddy & Baby
are all doing wonderful.
Our Grandson weighs in at 8 lb. 11 oz. and is 21" long.
Here is our proud Son with our very first grand baby....
And our very happy DIL.
Can you tell this Grandma is over the moon elated?
He is perfect in every way!
Our Son has perfected the swaddle!
I made a bouquet for our Son and DIL, and baby too.
As I was walking in the hospital I was stopped
by numerous women to admire the bouquet.
They said they had never seen anything
like it before and that it was very unique and beautiful.
Here is the bouquet.
I made it using newborn diapers.
I didn't just make a dozen diaper flowers, I made 80!
I filled the vase with tissue paper and little baby necessities,
and made a bow.

I hope you enjoyed seeing our new Little Addition.

Until Next Time,

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