Sunday, November 27, 2016

Creating Memories

Our Son and DIL always purchase a real
Christmas tree on Black Friday.
This year we were able to create special memories.
The timing couldn't have worked out
any better. Not only do we have a new grandson,
but Great Grandpa, from Pennsylvania was with us also.
So off to the Christmas Tree Farm we went to pick out a tree.
You won't see any pictures of me though,
I was the one behind the camera lens
capturing the special moments.

Isn't this the most darling picture you have ever seen!
Here he is all tucked in ready for his first big adventure.
Although he slept through it,
he will have these photos to look back on.
We're off to look for the perfect tree.
There are so many trees to choose from we lost track of Sonny!
We finally found Sonny standing next
to the perfect tree he found, an 11 foot beauty.
Yes, our Son wears shorts year round.
Grandpa gave it a thumbs up!
Time to cut this baby down.
Still cutting.
Great Grandpa helped trim up the bottom.
Time to get this bad boy out of here.
Almost there.
Next it was time to shake off all the loose pine needles.
After a good shaking it was time to go into the netter.
Don't forget before you leave, you MUST get your
photo taken with the reindeer!
Lucky for us these reindeer arrived just 2 days ago.
Mamas and sons.

And to end the day,
a special photo to treasure.
Four generations together!
I know I mentioned last week that I would post
our Christmas tree and a project but I just
couldn't wait to show our grandson's first big adventure.
Next week I will post our Christmas trees
 and a couple of Christmas projects, I pinky swear!

I'm off to finish Decking the Halls.

That's it for this week.

Until Next Time,

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