Sunday, November 20, 2016

Company's Coming

We have company coming from
out of state. My FIL is coming to see his
first great grand baby. We are so fortunate to
have 4 generations come together. There will
definitely be lots of pictures taken.
  I have been a little busy preparing the Guest Bedroom.
I knew that I wanted to paint this night stand and
dresser at some point in time. This is a set that we have
had for 20+ years. It was time for a change.
 I guess now was as good a time as any. 
Nothing like guest arriving to get you motivated!
I painted them white and swapped out the hardware.
Here is the dresser all dressed up.
Here is the guest bedroom ready to welcome quests.
By painting these white it has really brighten up this room.
Here is a closer look at the dresser.
Do you like my mirror I made to coordinate with
the rest of the room?
It's amazing how a little paint can completely transform something.
Here is a close up of the new hardware.
Not only have I been busy preparing the guest bedroom,
our Christmas tree is up and decorated!
I'll show you that next week.
I made a cute something for the tree.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

That's all I have for this week.

Until Next Time,

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