Sunday, June 25, 2017

Word Art

Hubby and I tend to be Homebodies.
We both work full time jobs and
don't get to spend much time at home to enjoy it.
The weekends are usually our time to work
around the house and get things done that
we can't accomplish during the week.
Don't get me wrong we love to travel and eat out,
but we also love to stay home at times.
We will plan to go out to dinner on a Saturday
night but once it gets time to go anywhere
we decide to stay home instead.

I have been on the lookout for a piece of art to
hang above our newly painted cabinet.
The only problem was I wasn't sure just what I was looking for.
Then BAM out of nowhere it struck me.
I wanted a piece of word art and I knew just what I wanted it to say.
The best part about this was I already had everything I needed to create it.
I didn't have to leave home!

So I got to work and created our piece of word art.
I created the saying on our home computer and printed it off.
 Then I transferred the image onto an 18" x 24" piece of canvas
and painted in the words using a paint pen.
Once I had our piece of word art completed
I hung it on the wall but it just didn't look finished.

So I made a floating frame and stained it.
What a difference the frame made.
It adds the perfect touch of homeyness I was going for.
Our walls look yellow in these photos but they
are actually a light tan color called
Gobi Desert by Behr paint.
This room gets flooded with natural light all day long
and it is hard to get a true wall color picture.

Ignore our thermostat and fireplace switches.
I'm thinking about painting them the same
color as the walls to make them blend in.
I just have to convince Hubby though, or maybe
I'll just go ahead and do it and see if he notices it.
Why the builder put them there is beyond me.

For now though this little space is complete.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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