Sunday, September 3, 2017


Ever since I got my first glimpse of a button-tufted headboard
it was love at first sight.
These headboards add such a classic, sophisticated
and elegant look to any bedroom.
Kelley Nan Blog


I bet you didn't know that upholstered headboards
have been around since the 17th century.
Back then they used to be called Stuffers.

I have been on the look-out for the perfect
button-tufted headboard that would not only
appeal to me, but also be Hubby approved.
While shopping in Costco one day I turned
the corner and ran smack dab into THE PERFECT
button-tufted headboard.
Oh how I loved the look of this bed,
and it was Hubby approved!
It had the classic, sophisticated, elegant
look that I was looking for, plus the nailhead
trim appealed to Hubby.
The only problem was, I didn't need the whole bed.
I just wanted the headboard.
Sadly, you couldn't just buy the headboard.
I couldn't seem to get this bed out of my head.
The more I thought about it the more I came
to the conclusion that I could try my hand at
making one myself, of course for a lot less.
I snapped a few pictures of the bed with my cellphone
to refer back to as I was attempting to make this bed.

After 3 years of dreaming about this headboard
I FINALLY got up enough nerve to build one.
But before I show you the BIG reveal let me
show you how our master bedroom used to look.
I was into the country look.
I removed our pillows to show the Amish built bed,
and the quilt I made. You can't really tell from this picture
but that carpet is blue.
I went completely 360°.
Here is my tufted headboard I built
which costs me a whopping $85.00!
Isn't it a BEAUTY!
Not too shabby for an amateur upholsterer.
I'm so proud of myself.
Hubby says it looks very professional.
What do you think?
Oh, and no more blue carpet!
I'll show you a few more pictures with the lights off and on.
It really makes quite the statement when you walk in the bedroom.

I purchased a set of new lamps and shades.
Ignore the dots on the wall. That is where our old lights
were hanging. Hubby is in the process of filling them in
and repainting that wall.

The view as you walk into the bedroom.
A view from the master closet.
I have a couple more projects that I want to make for
this room before I consider it done.
Hubby and I are really loving this look!
Can you believe that I built that!

I made it from a sheet of  1/2" plywood and 2
drapery panels that I found in Target.
Yep, made from plywood and curtains.
I've made A LOT of projects, but this
is by far my favorite.

The old bed and the shelf have since been
moved to one of the downstairs bedrooms.

I'm just so giddy with excitement.
It turned out better than I ever expected.
To celebrate a job well done, I'm going to pour myself
a glass of wine and go admire my work.

That's it for this week.

Until Next Time,

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