Sunday, September 17, 2017

Celebrating #56

Soon I will be celebrating my 56th birthday.
My goodness where have the years gone?
I'm not afraid of getting older,
as a matter of fact, I look and definitely
feel better than I ever have in years.
Sure I have a few more laugh lines and wrinkles,
but I continually strive to look and feel my best.
How do I do that you ask?
By eating a balanced diet, exercising, getting 8 hours
of sleep (most nights) and paying special attention to my appearance.
You probably think that I spend hours on myself.
Not so.
I have been tweaking these habits for years and
have it down to a science, it just comes naturally to me now.
Don't get me wrong, I still have bad days every now
and again where I just let myself go, but those days
are few and far between, and when that does happen,
I get right back on track the next day.
I truly believe that if you look good, you feel good.
So taking care of myself is a must because I plan on
being around for a LONG time.
I'm not perfect, not by a long shot, but I am human
and slip-ups happen.

My ultimate goal for staying healthy is to
be able to enjoy life with Hubby in our retirement years
and enjoy playing and keeping up with our grandchildren.
So here's to turning 56!
Bring on the next 50 years,
but please be gentle, ha, ha.

Until Next Time,

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