Sunday, October 22, 2017

Time Well Spent

Time is such a precious commodity.
If we're not careful and take the time to slow
down and enjoy the little things / ones in life,
before you know it in a blink
of an eye time passes us by.

We love spending time with our precious Grandson.
It's hard to believe that it has been almost a year
since he has entered our lives.
I always have my camera ready to document every moment with him.
A couple of weekends ago our Grandson
and I spent a Saturday together. It was a
beautiful Fall day so I decided to take him to the pumpkin patch.

We picked out his very first pumpkin.
He held on to that pumpkin the whole time we were there.

Even on the way home he wasn't letting go of his pumpkin.

On Saturday he spent another beautiful Fall 
day with us while his parents were busy.
It was such perfect weather that we dug out
the little red wagon for him.
We attached an umbrella to keep the sun out of his eyes,
added a blanket to cushion his tush, and added a pillow in case he got sleepy.
It was his 1st time in a wagon and we weren't sure
if he would like it and try to crawl out or stand up.
He was the perfect little passenger.
He LOVED it!
We took a walk around the neighborhood
and saw a crow disguised as a scarecrow. If you look closely
you will see him peeking over the umbrella on the top left-hand side.
We even saw ghosts in trees!
Our Grandson was kicked back and enjoying the ride and scenery.
By the time we got to the big tall fluffy grass the fresh air was
starting to make him a little sleepy.
So he laid back and was taking in the scenery that way.
He looks like he is sleeping but he was just enjoying being laid back.
I looked down at him and he was just grinning.
We turned around and headed back home.
Once we got home he was content just to sit in the wagon
and watch Papa wash his truck.
It was precious time well spent.
Take time and enjoy the little things / ones in life,
you won't regret it.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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