Sunday, April 29, 2018

Dumpster Diving

Hubby was busy doing other tasks around the
house when it was garbage day
around here so I took our garbage
to our local drop off site.
It's never a good idea for me to take the garbage
because once in a while I come home with someone else's trash.
I can explain, really.
I had been looking for a while for another
nightstand to go in our guest bedroom.
Well lo and behold wouldn't you know.
As I was leaving the drop off site I noticed
this nightstand sitting off to the side.
I know what you're thinking.
It's trash girl, you should have left it.
I asked if anyone had dibs on it.
It was mine for the taking.
I'm sure that most people wouldn't even give it
a second glance being that it was left to be thrown out.
 I can totally understand that.
It was looking a little neglected.
Before carting it off I made sure I thoroughly
checked it over. Sure it was a little rough
looking but it was a solidly built piece.
I knew that my paint brush and I
 could do wonders with this nightstand.
Once I got it home I vacuumed off the dust
and cobwebs. Upon further inspection I noticed
that someone had tried to spray paint this stand black
and did a poor attempt at it. They left the handle on
while they spray painted it. What!
I'm assuming that it wasn't sealed in any way either.
This is what the top looked like. The paint was worn
off in various places and there were a few small dings in places
which didn't concern me. Those were an easy fix.
I found this marking inside the drawer.
Time to make this nightstand new again.
The first thing I did was remove the handle
and lightly sanded down the entire piece.
Next, I filled in the dings with wood filler.
Once the wood filler was dry I sanded the
areas until I had a smooth finish.
Using a foam brush I roughly applied the primer
covering the entire nightstand.
Time to paint.
I gave it 2 coats of my DIY Farmhouse White
chalk paint, lightly sanding between coats. 
Here is a look at the sides of the stand.
I love all the curves this stand has.
The Farmhouse white paint really shows off those curves.
I let the paint dry overnight and then
applied a layer of Annie Sloan Clear wax
to seal it.
I added a new handle that was in my
stash of handles to the drawer
and this nightstand was done.
It fits perfectly in it's new spot.

A beautiful new nightstand that costs me $0.
I guess it pays to take out the garbage.

It's true what they say,
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
Or should I say woman's?
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. The details are everything!
    Those curves really make it special!
