Sunday, April 1, 2018

Creating A One of A Kind Masterpiece

I needed a piece of artwork to go above the
newly painted dresser that sits in our
dining room. I knew that I wanted to
have the color blue in it but wasn't quite
sure just what I was looking for. So I
typed in blue artwork in Google search
and a ton of blue abstract artwork pieces
popped up. I have never been a big fan of abstract
art but the more I looked and studied this interesting
art form the more I loved its simplicity.
Instead of buying a piece of abstract art,
which by the way is very expensive, I thought
I'd try and create my own masterpiece.
Here is my version of an abstract artwork masterpiece.
I call it My Serene Place.
This painting took me all of 30 minutes to create.
Believe me when I say, I am not an artist.
The great thing about abstract art is that it
is so simple to create. There is no right way
or wrong way to create a great looking piece of art.

Cost to create this masterpiece, $0.
I dug through my craft supplies and had everything I needed.
Here's how I created my own work of art.

drop cloth
Canvas print, any size
Acrylic paint, colors of choice
inexpensive paint brush (I buy the $1.00 chip brushes from Michaels)
jar of water
paper plates
paper towels

I start with these 18 x 24 canvases that I buy from Michaels
when they are on sale. I usually have a few hanging out in my craft room.
First you want to dip your paint brush in the water
so your paint brush is a little wet. Dab your wet brush
on a paper towel to remove any excess water.
Squeeze a little dab of your darkest paint onto the paper plate,
you will only need a small amount of each color.
Next, dip the very ends of your brush in your darkest color first
and apply it in various areas on the canvas.
Rinse your brush in the jar of water
and continue this method with each
color making sure that your brush stays wet.
These are the first 3 colors I used
and how it turned out.
I continued using the darkest to the lightest color until I reached the top.
This is how it looked.
 After I had the initial canvas painted, I added colors
here and there until I was satisfied with the look.
Once my masterpiece was created, Hubby and I
created a floating frame to place it in.
 I'll do a post on how we created a floating frame in the near future
and how I created my favorite stain color of all time.
Hubby was quite impressed by my masterpiece.
Here is my masterpiece hanging above the dresser.
A side view.
 Artist or not, you CAN do this.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. Really,really impressive! And you were so right about the simplicity of this abstract because I'm not a fan either but this is so nice and the colors are fantastic! Another job well done!
