Sunday, April 15, 2018

Why we left after 30 years

Well, it's official.


Hubby and I decided to retire at the same time.
Although we are considered young for retirement,
I'm 56 and Hubby is 58, it was time.
We have been preparing for this moment for 30 years.
We have made a lot of sacrifices over the years with the
intent that we would be able to retire at an early age.
For 25 years I worked 3rd shift and I'm not even 
a nighttime person, but I persevered because it was
the best shift for our family.
I remember many nights going to work with just 2 hours
of sleep just so I could spend time with my family.
There was also a lot of overtime worked to help put our
Son through college without dipping into our retirement fund.
So here we are 30 years later just like we planned.
Our timing couldn't have worked out any better.
I don't have any regrets about the sacrifices we made
because it brought us to this point in life.

Spending precious time with our Grandson
and future grand children on the way,
a boy and girl.

(No, we did not coordinate our shirts for this picture.)
It's nice that we are young enough to get down on the floor and play.
Not only do we get to enjoy our Grandson,
Great Grandpa can come and visit and be entertained too.
We are very fortunate to have 4 generations together and
will cherish these moments for as long as we can.
This was the #1 reason why we left after 30 years.
How can you not want to spend time with this?
Another reason why we left after 30 years.
Knowing that we don't have to drive to work in this!
Apparently, Mother Nature didn't get the memo that it's Spring.
Here we are April 15th with a blizzard and ice storm going on.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,


1 comment:

  1. I got teared up seeing you guys so happy!!!
