Sunday, June 10, 2018

Meshing Styles

It's finally time to reveal the new look
in our dining room.
This room has changed a few times since
we moved into this home 17 years ago.
I have always been drawn to a classic refined style.
Although Hubby liked the classic refined style he also
wanted a little bit of country/rustic thrown in.
I've always struggled trying to mesh our styles
together to get a look that pleased both myself and Hubby,
that was until Pinterest entered into my life. For a long
time I refused to look at Pinterest. I already had enough
obsessions I didn't need anymore. Thank goodness I changed
my thinking. Pinterest taught me how to mesh mine and
Hubby's styles together to achieve a style that pleased both of us.

Before I show you the current look of our dining room
let me share a few pictures of how the dining room used to look.
I had to really dig through old photos to find a picture of
how our dining room first looked when we moved in.
After we gave our dining room set to our Son and removed
the wallpaper the dining room looked like this.

I had no intentions of changing this room
any time soon but time always has a way of changing all things.
The new look for the dining room all started with this dresser
and DIY abstract art picture which started a snowball effect.

Next, I moved this stand from the kitchen
to the dining room and restyled it to help balance out the room.

Add a new table, chairs, chandelier and rug and we have
a dining room that pleases both Hubby and myself.
Welcome to our new dining room.

Looking toward the living room.

This room portrays our perfect mesh of styles,
not too feminine and not too masculine.
Just like Goldilocks and the 3 bears.
 It's just right.😊

A view from the living room.

Another view from the living room looking toward the kitchen.

Did you notice how the rug pulls the whole room together?
A view from the kitchen.

A perfect mesh of rustic and refined.
I hoped you enjoyed this little glimpse into our home
and I was able to show you that you can mix many different
styles to create a style that is just right for you.
Who says you have to follow what the designers say is right?
No matter what your style or styles are, fill your
home with what makes YOU happy.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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