Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Matched Set

I found a chair!
I had just finished painting a thrift store desk
and was on the lookout for a chair to go with it.
As I was digging out and cleaning up our basement
I came across this chair that I bought a few
years ago at a thrift store for $4.00.
This chair was the very first piece of furniture I ever painted.
It used to sit in a corner of our dining room with a plant on it
but got moved to the basement when we did a little update in
our dining room. I completely forgot about it.

Out came the paintbrush again to give this little chair
a new look and purpose.

It's the perfect match for my newly painted thrift store desk.
This was one time cleaning out the basement was a good thing.
You never know what you will come across.
That's it for this week.

Until Next Time,

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