Sunday, January 6, 2019

Ch Ch Ch Changes

It's a new year
and new beginnings.
2018 for us ended with a big BANG.
We were scheduled to celebrate
Christmas on Christmas Eve this year.
Christmas Eve day started out great.
I woke up early and  thought I would throw
a load of laundry in the washer just to clean
up a little before anyone arrived.
Then I started to prep what I could
ahead of time for dinner.
As I was prepping I noticed the washer
didn't sound right to me. I walked into the
laundry room, which is just off of our kitchen,
to find water running on the floor and the laundry
room floor was flooded.
Oh That's Just GREAT!
I immediately shut off the water supply
and yelled for Hubby to HELP!
Thank goodness it was just the drain hose
that had worked it's way out of the drain pipe.
The installer didn't have it secured tight enough to hold in place.
Luckily, it was an easy fix.
But I still had a mess to clean up that I wasn't planning on doing.
After Hubby and I cleaned up all the water
it was time to start cooking dinner.
Into the oven the ham went.
After about an hour I noticed that I wasn't
smelling the wonderful aromas of the ham cooking.
Well, wouldn't you know.
Our oven wasn't heating up enough to cook the ham.
Oh great.
Now What?
Thank goodness I had a big enough slow cooker to hold the ham.
I placed the ham into the slow cooker to finish cooking.
After 20 minutes in the slow cooker
I still didn't smell the ham cooking.
I checked on the ham and it was just lukewarm.
This was JUST GREAT!
Our slow cooker had died also.
About 2 months before Christmas our
microwave died on us.
We did purchase an inexpensive one temporarily.
We knew that we were going to replace it when
the new year sales started on appliances.
Thank goodness for our insight
because our ham was finished in the microwave.
Our Son loves to have Cheesy Potatoes
for Christmas dinner. I was hoping our oven
would hold out long enough to cook the potatoes.
The cheesy potatoes along with a cauliflower casserole
were placed into the oven which took twice as
long to cook, but they did cook.
Thank goodness they finished cooking
because the oven died shortly after.
Even after our kitchen and laundry room disasters,
dinner was placed on the table on time and tasted wonderful.
The remainder of the evening was time well spent with family.
It will definitely be a Christmas dinner to remember.

All of this rambling to say that we will be doing
a little renovation to our kitchen.
We will keep our current refrigerator
and dishwasher as they are only a couple
of years old. We knew that we would be
replacing the remaining appliances as they
slowing died, we just weren't expecting them
to all go at once, especially on Christmas eve.

Here is a current view of our kitchen.
Stay tune for a few changes happening in the
kitchen in the new year.

Until Next Time,

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