Saturday, October 4, 2014

Fallen for Fall

I'm sure you've heard me say before
how much I love Fall.
Well, I'm going to say it again.
Actually, I shouted it.
Sorry I just can't control myself
when it comes to Fall.
I've been antsy about going to the pumpkin farm
to get my plethora of bounty.
I finally was able to get there today.
It was the perfect fall weather.
Well, depending on how you look at it.
You know the kind of day that is cold and drizzly all day long.
I'm talking cold people!  Like 40 degrees cold.  This was at noon.
Perfect Fall weather, right?
I was surprise when I got there just how many people were there.
I guess everyone was thinking the same as me.
I came home with the trunk of the car loaded!
Now I have to dig out the fall decor that has
been packed away for a year and get to work.
O.K. I'm ready.
Welcome to our Fall home.
This is the arrangement that sits by our front door.
Remember my toolbox I had my FIL make me
from old barn wood that I painted?
I placed it on our dining room table.
It went from this...
to this!

Our Pyracantha bushes were polluted with berries this
year.  I cut some and placed them in the pitcher to add
another pop of color.
Here are a couple of close ups.

I added a couple more displays in the dining room.
This cabinet is one I had made by the Amish here years ago.
It used to sit in our kitchen but I moved it to the dining room.
This is my pie safe that was also made by the Amish.

A couple of close ups of the decorated pie safe.

Let's head into the living room.
This display sits on our coffee table.
The table runner was made by me.


On the other side of the room sits this stand.
The velvet & sweater pumpkins were made
by, you guessed it, me!
The mantle.  I decided to go simple with
the mantle.

The kitchen displays. 
The final stop.
This display sits on our Secretary.

Here is a stand all decked out for Fall.
A couple of close ups.

More pumpkins made by me.


I hope you enjoyed our Fall Home Tour.
Make sure you check back in tomorrow evening.
I'll be posting our next stop on our trip.
Happy Fall Y'all,

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