Sunday, October 25, 2015

Apple Orchard, Pumpkin Farm, Part 2

When you arrive at the orchard you are greeted
with lots of colorful displays.
 The flowers were putting on quite the show also.
They have pick your own gardens.
There are animals to pet and feed.



When you need to rest your feet there a plenty of places to sit.
That's it for this week.
I hope that you enjoyed my picture show
and that you are able to tour your local
Apple orchards and Pumpkin farms.
Until Next Time,

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Sweet Side of Fall

When I went to the apple orchard and pumpkin farm
to take pictures I bought 2 bags of apples.
Every year we look forward to apple season.
There is nothing better than having
fresh fruit when it is in season.
Hubby and I will take an apple to work
each day as a healthy snack.
We usually end up buying 2 crates
of apples each year, that's how much we
love apples in season.
Hubby loves him some apple pie too!
 I don't.  Strange I know because I love apples.
But that doesn't stop me from making
apple pies from scratch for my family.
Talk about wonderful fall smells!
So yesterday I made an Apple Crumb pie.
I will enjoy the smell of the pie baking and Hubby will enjoy eating it!
 That's it for today.

Until Next Time,

Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Trip to the Apple Orchard & Pumpkin Farm

Last weekend I headed to our local Apple Orchard
and Pumpkin Farm to practice using my new camera.
I spent over an hour there and took 483 photos!
That's A LOT of pictures!
I didn't realize that this farm was so big!
There was so much to see and do.
Since I took SO MANY pictures I thought
that I would break them down into 2 or 3 posts.
Don't worry I won't show you ALL 483 photos.
Just the ones that I thought turned out nice,
as far as amateur photography goes.
As you head into the apple orchard you can see
that the apple trees were very full with ripe fruit.
They have 53 varieties to choose from.
These 2 apples had grown together.
Even the wildlife enjoy the apples.
If you would like to pick your own apples,
ladders are scattered throughout the orchard.
They even have a field of sunflowers...
...with full moppy heads.
And then there are the pumpkin fields.
Oh my golly gosh, the pumpkins!
Oh how I LOVE the pumpkins.
There were yellow, orange, green and white pumpkins.
The pumpkin fields were starting to get bare.
I captured this little boy contemplating which pumpkin
he wanted to pick next to fill his wagon.
I think that's all the pictures I will share today.
I don't want to overwhelm you.
How about you?
Do you enjoy visiting the apple orchards
and pumpkin farms?
Until Next Time,