Sunday, October 4, 2015

Pumpkin Crate

I've been wanting a crate that I could place
beside my fireplace to dress it up a little.
I found this crate at Michael's but couldn't
find a price on it.  I asked one of the sales
people and they said they use it for their displays.
I asked if I could buy it and she looked at me funny
and said "It's old don't you want a new one"?
No I wanted this one.
So she sold it to me for 1/2 off, $8.00.
I didn't care that it was orange looking.
I had other plans for it.
I brought it home and stained it.

 And paint a picture on it.
This is what it looks like now.
Completely different isn't it?
Every time I get out my camera and start to take pictures
I have a Photo Bomber who just has to get in on the action.
This is my Photo Bomber.
She posed perfectly!
She's such a sweet kitty.
She loves to have her picture taken.
She hears me get my camera and she's ready for her picture to be taken!
She'll even let me get up close and personal with her.
Yesterday I went to one of our Apple orchard / Pumpkin farms
to take a few shot with my new camera.
I ended up taking 483 pictures.
The only reason I stopped was my battery went dead!
I guess I'll be buying a battery back up!
I'll share a few of the pictures that I took next week.
Enjoy the BEAUTIFUL Fall weather!
Until Next Time,

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