Sunday, February 21, 2016

Icicles & Comfort Food

The Master Bath remodel has begun!
Hubby and I have been working on it
for the past 2 weekends.
Because Hubby and I are doing all the work ourselves,
It will be a few weeks yet before I show the big reveal.
We are really pleased at the changes we have made thus far.
I was a little concerned that the paint color I had picked out was
going to be a little dark, but it turned out it isn't!
It's perfect!
I would show you some pictures but I don't want
to spoil the anticipation of the BIG REVEAL!
In the meantime, I thought I would share a few
pictures of some icicles that I captured before
heading off to work one morning.
These icicles were hanging off the outside of the gutters.
Keep in mind I still have A LOT to learn about my new camera.
Anyways, here are the pictures of  the icicles.
The above picture I turned into a black and white.
A few closer views.
This was as close as I could get without falling off of the step stool!
These were also on the front of the house.
While Hubby was finishing painting the master bath,
I thought I would cook up a pot of Broccoli Cheese Soup for lunch.
I purchased a loaf of Sour Dough bread to go along with the soup.
You can find the recipe for this soup on this website.
Although this recipe is made in a slow cooker,
I cooked it on the stove top.
It was so good that we ate it for lunch again today!
Don't you just love a good bowl of soup?
To me, it's the perfect comfort food on a cold, windy day.
Hubby agreed and approved!
That's it for this week.
Try and stay warm!
Until Next Time,

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