Sunday, October 30, 2016

A Beacon of Light

Oh My Goodness!
Saturday I created my first Christmas decoration for the year!!!!
I won't show you just yet, you'll just have to wait a little bit longer.

Instead, I thought I would share a simple craft
that I made for our new grandson's nursery.
If you have been following my blog for any
length of time, you know that we are expecting
of first grand baby, and the baby's nursery is a nautical theme.

I knew that our Son and DIL are going to be getting up
A LOT during the night with the baby.  So I thought I would
make a little night light that they could keep on in the baby's room
during the night to help them see better.

I had this little light that I picked up at our local
Goodwill store for $2.00 and was going to update it for our home,
which I never got around to updating it until now.

It went from this.......
to this cute little nautical lamp.
Here's how I transformed this blah looking lamp.

I used this rope that I had stashed in my craft room.
Using my hot glue gun, I started in the back of the lamp
at the base, and started hot gluing the rope around the entire lamp,
being careful as I went around the lamp cord.
To upcycle the lampshade I used this leftover material,
from a previous project, that I found in my stash. This
material looked like little gusts of  wind to me.
Perfect for a nautical themed nursery.
Lay your lamp shade on the backside of the material.
Starting a 1/2 inch from the beginning of the material, start rolling the
lampshade across the material and trace a line on the
top and bottom of the lamp shade, adding an extra
1/2 inch on the end.
Once you have your base line,
roughly draw an additional 1/2 inch line for
your seam allowance, like so.
Cut out your lampshade pattern and lay face down.
Using a can of  spray adhesive, I sprayed the entire backside
of the material. I forgot to take a picture of the spray adhesive. Oops.
*Before you spray, protect your work area. This spray adhesive is very sticky*
 You can purchase spray adhesive at any fabric store.
 I purchased mine from Joann Fabrics, using a 40% off coupon.
 If you have a Walmart with a fabric area, you can find it there.

Fold one side-end over 1/2 inch.  This will be your finished edge.
Starting with the unfinished edge, start applying the material to
the lampshade, smoothing the material as you go, and tucking the top
and bottom edges over.
You might need to have and extra set of hands to help you with this part.

Once you reach the end, you should have some overlap left,
spray a thin strip of spray adhesive down the edge
and overlap with the finished edge.

To give the lampshade a nice finished look, I hot glued
a navy colored ribbon along the top and bottom, and
finished off with the rope.
As soon as the Baby's room is complete, I will show
you where our DIL placed this lamp.

Isn't it just perfect for a Nautical themed room?

So remember,
don't throw those old tired looking lamps away,
refurbish them and transform them into beautiful works of art!

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Changing Times

My weekends have been incredibly
busy lately.  We have our first grand baby
expected to arrive in mid November.
I've made a ton of baby items to give as
gifts at the baby shower, which I will do
posts about somewhere in the near future.
I thought that I was done with baby stuff
for a while until after the baby was born.
We happened to be at our Son's house one
day and our DIL was showing us the baby's room.
She had this solid oak baby changing table and wanted
to paint it.  I wasn't crazy about her being around
paint fumes so I offered to paint it for her.
I knew that I had a 3 day weekend with the Columbus Day
holiday and was hoping that I could get it done in those 3 days.
After our DIL picked out the color I got right to work.

I set up my paint station in our garage.
I laid down my canvas drop cloth first to protect the floor.
Next, I set up my spray shelter. This shelter measures 8.5' x 6'.
It took about 15 minutes to assemble.
It comes with this handy storage pouch.
Before I started painting, Hubby and I disassembled the changing
table so it would be easier to paint.
Once I had my spray shelter up it was time to start painting.
I used my paint sprayer and applied 2 light coats, sanding after each
layer, and then did any touch ups using a foam brush.
It took me 3 days to paint this because I really wanted each layer
to dry completely before applying the next coat of paint.
I let the paint set for a week before I applied a coat of wax
and buffed like a crazy woman.
My hands were so sore and stiff, and I could hardly move, due to back issues,
 the next day from all the waxing and buffing.
But it was SO worth it.
Here is the newly painted changing table.
This was a very tedious project because of all the spindles.

I'm glad that I took my time with this because it turned out beautifully.
The color is Sunrise by Sherwin Williams.

It went from this....
to this.
Once the baby's room is set up and complete,
I will snap some pictures and share them here.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Wild Thing

I don't know if you noticed,
but last week I updated my profile picture.
I recently turned 55 and thought that I
needed to update my picture.
The previous picture was 2 years old.
I'm not one who likes to have my picture taken.
Hubby has really been pushing me to get pictures
of myself so that our Son and future grandchildren
will be able to remember me when I am no longer on this earth.
So I have bravely been putting myself in front of the camera,
and showing all my laugh lines to all of you.

Another reason I have been taking pictures is to show
you my changing hairstyles.  I have struggled
with my hair ALL my life!  Most of you
who know me don't know that I have naturally
curly hair.  You would never know it because I
have straighten it for years, or had it permed.
I know, you're probably wondering why I would
perm my naturally curly hair, right?
The natural curls used to drive me crazy
because they had a mind of their own!
By getting it permed, it controlled the craziness.
I haven't had my hair permed in 10 years.
As I have gotten older, I have come to the point
where I don't want to fuss with my hair any longer.
I have always wanted low maintenance hair care,
but wasn't able to achieve it until now.
I was getting ready for work and I was already
running behind.  I really didn't have time to blow dry
my hair and then straighten it, so I quickly ran my fingers
through it and sprayed on a light mist of hair spray so it wouldn't frizz.
I had NEVER worn my hair like this in public before,
but I didn't care what people thought.
If they didn't like it, they didn't have to look at me.

Well.....The total opposite happened!

People LOVED it!

This picture was actually taken the next day after sleeping on my curls.
I received SO MANY positive compliments, both
from women and men.  People thought that I got a perm.
They were shocked that it was my natural curl.
Women told me that they spend hundreds of dollars
to try and achieve this look and would die to have hair like mine.
 Men told me it was very attractive, sassy and sexy looking.
Who knew!
These are the side views.

And the back view.
Who knew that all along I have had low maintenance hair.
It's only taken me 55 years to figure that out!
So from now on, I will be embracing and rockin' my wild untamed curls!
I have been told by Hubby and numerous others
that this hairstyle fits my personality....wild and crazy!
I guess I better update my profile picture again.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Making The Cut

My whale tail cupcakes were a huge
hit at the Baby shower.
Everyone was wondering if the whale tails
were edible, and where I bought them.
They were surprised when I told them that
they were indeed edible,
and that I made them with my own hands.

The whale tails were made out of
Marshmallow fondant.

Marshmallow fondant is so easy to make.

These are the simple ingredients that you will need
to make marshmallow fondant.
Place the marshmallows in a large microwave safe bowl
and add 2 tablespoons of water.  Place in
the microwave and heat on high for 30 second
increments, stirring after each 30 seconds
until marshmallows are completely melted.
Remove from the microwave.
If you are adding coloring and flavoring, now is the time to add it in.
I added 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
Add in the powdered sugar and stir.  You won't be able to
completely blend in the powdered sugar with the spoon, but that's o.k.
Marshmallow fondant is VERY sticky.
Using the Crisco shortening, apply a generous amount onto
your hands and work surface.  Empty the fondant onto the
work surface and start to knead the dough until the
powdered sugar is completely incorporated.
Roll the dough into a ball and grease the ball
using the Crisco shortening.  Wrap in Saran wrap
and place the dough into a Ziplock baggie.
Refrigerate for 2 hours, or more.
I couldn't find a whale tail cookie cutter,
so I improvised by creating my own.
I wanted to be able to use my cookie cutter
over and over again.  I wanted something
that I could easily manipulate and bend, but not break.
I was thinking that a piece of aluminum
would do the trick, so Hubby and I headed to
Home Depot and discovered this.
I'll be able to make A LOT of cookie cutters!
Once I had my aluminum, I found a picture of
a whale tail that I liked on the internet and shrunk
it to the size I wanted using our home printer.
Using a piece of string I traced around the outside
of my design, overlapping the beginning and end,
to determine how long I needed to cut my aluminum strip.

*Use caution when cutting aluminum as it is VERY SHARP*

Using the string as a guide, I cut the length of
aluminum and then cut the aluminum to 1 inch wide.
Hubby cut my aluminum with a utility knife and ruler on a piece of wood in the garage.
Once I had my aluminum strip cut, using a piece of sandpaper,
I sanded all the edges, rounding the corners.
Now I could start shaping my cookie cutter without cutting my fingers.
Using the picture as a guide, I started forming my cookie
cutter, using my jewelry making tools to help form the shape.
I overlapped the ends by 1/2 inch.  I took a nail and made 2 holes,
and added 2 eyelets, found in my craft room, and adhered the cookie cutter together.

Time to roll out the fondant and use the cookie cutter.
Before rolling out your fondant, grease your work surface
using the crisco shortening.
Roll the fondant out to 1/4 inch thickness.

Before I used my new cookie cutter
I  washed it with hot soapy water with a little clorox added.
Use the cookie cutter just like you would any other cookie cutter.
This cookie cutter is even dishwasher safe!

Place the fondant shapes onto a parchment lined cookie sheet.
Place another piece of parchment paper on top and let air
dry for 2-3 days, or longer, until hardened.
Your new shapes are ready to use.
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Birthday Treats

I just recently celebrated my 55th Birthday!
I just can't believe that I am 55.
My goodness, how time flies.
People ask me how it feels to be 55.
I honestly can't answer that because I've
never been 55 before, and I don't feel any
differently than when I was younger.
Sure, I don't move as quickly as I used too,
but health wise, I'm very healthy, and I feel great!
I still have an abundance of energy and a
positive attitude toward life.
I''m not one of those people who doesn't like
to share how old I am, to me it's just a number.

Since it was my birthday I thought that I would
make a birthday treat and take it to work
to share with my co-workers.

These are what I made to share.
Oatmeal Buttercream Pies!
Oh my cream filled goodness!
These are SO GOOD!
The oatmeal cookie is so soft and chewy,
and that cream filling.......OH MY!
One bite and people were moaning,
and their eyes were rolling in the back of their heads.
Yes, they are THAT GOOD!
These really take no time at all to make.
First, you make the cookies.
To make my cookies uniform I use a medium cookie scoop and level the top off.
Once the cookies have cooled, match up the cookies by size.
Mix up the cream filling and frost the bottom of one cookie.
Top with the bottom of the other cookie to make a sandwich
and gently press the cookies together.
Happy Birthday to Me!


1 1/4 cup butter (at room temperature)                                                   
1 cup brown sugar, packed                                                                      
1/2 cup sugar                                                                                         
1 large egg
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
3 cups quick oats


1/2 cup butter
2 cups powdered sugar
2 tablespoons whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. With an electric mixer, beat the butter and sugars in a large bowl until well combined. Add the egg and vanilla, mix until light and fluffy.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon. Add to the butter and mix on low speed just until combined. Add the oats and stir until just combined.

Scoop cookie dough onto a parchment lined cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes, or until edges start to turn golden brown. Cool completely on a wire rack.

Place the butter, sugar, whipping cream and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Beat on medium speed until smooth and creamy. When the cookies are cool, sandwich frosting between two cookies and gently press together.

Recipe adapted from: Kevin & Amanda

Until Next Time,