Sunday, October 16, 2016

Wild Thing

I don't know if you noticed,
but last week I updated my profile picture.
I recently turned 55 and thought that I
needed to update my picture.
The previous picture was 2 years old.
I'm not one who likes to have my picture taken.
Hubby has really been pushing me to get pictures
of myself so that our Son and future grandchildren
will be able to remember me when I am no longer on this earth.
So I have bravely been putting myself in front of the camera,
and showing all my laugh lines to all of you.

Another reason I have been taking pictures is to show
you my changing hairstyles.  I have struggled
with my hair ALL my life!  Most of you
who know me don't know that I have naturally
curly hair.  You would never know it because I
have straighten it for years, or had it permed.
I know, you're probably wondering why I would
perm my naturally curly hair, right?
The natural curls used to drive me crazy
because they had a mind of their own!
By getting it permed, it controlled the craziness.
I haven't had my hair permed in 10 years.
As I have gotten older, I have come to the point
where I don't want to fuss with my hair any longer.
I have always wanted low maintenance hair care,
but wasn't able to achieve it until now.
I was getting ready for work and I was already
running behind.  I really didn't have time to blow dry
my hair and then straighten it, so I quickly ran my fingers
through it and sprayed on a light mist of hair spray so it wouldn't frizz.
I had NEVER worn my hair like this in public before,
but I didn't care what people thought.
If they didn't like it, they didn't have to look at me.

Well.....The total opposite happened!

People LOVED it!

This picture was actually taken the next day after sleeping on my curls.
I received SO MANY positive compliments, both
from women and men.  People thought that I got a perm.
They were shocked that it was my natural curl.
Women told me that they spend hundreds of dollars
to try and achieve this look and would die to have hair like mine.
 Men told me it was very attractive, sassy and sexy looking.
Who knew!
These are the side views.

And the back view.
Who knew that all along I have had low maintenance hair.
It's only taken me 55 years to figure that out!
So from now on, I will be embracing and rockin' my wild untamed curls!
I have been told by Hubby and numerous others
that this hairstyle fits my personality....wild and crazy!
I guess I better update my profile picture again.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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