Sunday, June 22, 2014

New / Old Toolbox

I am always on the look out for trays, baskets, boxes, or anything I can display items in.
When I spot something that I like, which I tend to like a lot of stuff, whether it be in a store, magazine, someone else's home, wherever,  I always wonder if I can make one myself.
So when I saw this picture of an old antique toolbox, I just knew that this would be a different look to a display, plus I knew it would be a quick and easy project to make.
I remember making one of these when I was in 8th grade for my woodshop project.  When I finished my toolbox I gave it to my Dad and he used it to store some of his things in his garage for many years.  I don't live close to my parents so when my Dad passed away many years ago I never knew what became of my toolbox.
I was telling my Father-in-Law about my idea and showed him the picture of what I wanted,  and he mentioned that it would be cool if it could be made out of old barn wood.
Well, I happened to visit my niece, Lisa while I was on vacation and I mentioned to her about my idea of a toolbox made out of old barn wood. She told me that her neighbors were in the process of tearing down an old barn because it was starting to fall down.  This barn was 115 years old!   So I asked if I could have some of the wood to make my toolbox.  They told me I could take all the wood that I wanted.  I got this wood for FREE!  Thanks Lisa for getting me this wood!
We don't have an area where we can have a woodshop set up, so I usually asked my Father-in-Law if he would like to build my projects.  He is always a willing candidate.  LOVE HIM!
This is what he came up with.  My new/old toolbox.
Just look at all of that wood grain!
This is the other side.

Do you see the wood knot that fell out on the right-hand side?  I told him to leave it out so that it would give it more caricature.  I also didn't want him to put polyurethane on it.  I had a vision of this being a different color.
And this is what the inside looks like.
I envisioned this with an aged white-washed look.  So I dug out my Paris Grey, Annie Sloan chalk paint and got to work painting it.  It took me about 15 minutes to paint.
Here it is in all it's glory.
And here it is with a couple of starfish placed inside.
I LOVE my new/old toolbox.  Didn't my Father-in-law do a great job?  Thanks so much Bumpa for making this for me.
I see so many uses for my new toolbox.  Stay tuned!


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