Monday, June 9, 2014

The Beauty of Nature

Yesterday I noticed that a few more of my flowers were ready to burst open.
Each year I anxiously await their arrival.
The Poppies
These were planted in honor of my Mother-In-Law.  She always had a big beautiful poppy planted on the corner of the house.  It used to have so many gorgeous blooms each year that I knew this would be the flower I would plant in honor of her.
This is what the poppies look like today.  Look at all of those Stamens!  These are such a vibrant orange color.  Just STUNNING!
.....and then there are the PEONIES.  The ants are helping them wake up.  Do you see the ant?
These peonies are a very beautiful fuchsia pink.
The ants have been very busy.  I only had 2 that were ready to open yesterday.  Look at them now!  This is looking off of our back porch.  Aren't they BEAUTIFUL!  Big, beautiful blooms!
They are so beautiful that I had to pick some and bring them in the house, ants and all.  Do you know that you can get rid of the ants from your peonies so that you can have a big bouquet of them in the house?  Just cut your flowers and place them in a sink with cold water and a little dish soap. Trust me, this will not hurt your peonies.  Very gently swish them around in the soapy water for a few seconds.  You will notice the ants coming out of the flowers and floating on top of the water.  Then rinse the flowers in cold water to remove any soap from them.  Very gently tap on the flower using your hand to remove any excess water.  Place on a paper towel for a few seconds and they are ready to be displayed.
Another simply STUNNING flower.
Are you like me?  Do you love the beauty that Nature blesses us with?