Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Dark Hole

Well another task has been checked off the To Do List.  Wahoo!  It was the cleaning of the basement.  Our lower level is finished off and we have just a small space for hoarding storage.  That's probably a good thing. This is what it looked like before I cleaned it.  The door was just opened and things were just set wherever there was an empty space. I try to keep this area organized so that it is easier to get to things when needed. But we all know that life / jobs get in the way and that it's just not possible.  So a couple of times a year I do a good cleaning/organizing.


And this is the After.  All nicely cleaned and organized.  I can see that I need to get some more totes. 
I LOVE those things.  They really help keep everything organized better.  As I'm looking at this picture I see another project that I can do.  I won't say what it is because that will be for another post.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and can enjoy the beautiful weather.


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