Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Big Day

The Big Day has come and gone.
Time to get back into the everyday routine.  That means back to work.  I don't think I like that idea much.  Having 2 weeks off gives you a taste of the what it's like to be retired.  You know, go at your own pace, take life easy.  I could get used to that real FAST!  I don't have to wait too much longer for that!  Can't wait!  I can see the end of the working life is near.
Well, here are some pictures of the Big Day.
The Groom & Groomsmen waiting for the ceremony to begin
Aren't they a handsome bunch?
Here comes the Bride!
Mr. & Mrs.
Off to the reception
The reception was held in a beautifully, old, restored barn.
Dinner was a casual affair, buffet style.  Perfect for a barn reception.
The Best Man's speech. He was told to keep it short.  It was so long that he had to read it off his cell phone.  It was just under 8 minutes.  Apparently, he doesn't listen very well!  We learned some interesting things about our Son!
The wedding cake was not your typical looking cake either.
It was chocolate with raspberry filling.
The wedding dance
The Father / Daughter dance.  This was hysterical!  It lasted almost 10 minutes.  I posted a video on my Facebook page of it.
A good time was had by all!
I'm glad I could share a few of our MANY photos of the Big Day and I hope that you enjoyed them.

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