Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Beach of a Bathroom

 I never cared for
the look of the tile around the tub,
or the wallpaper in our master bath.  It just wasn't
my style.
We bought this house 13 years ago. When
you purchase a house that you did not build, there are
bound to be certain aspects that you will need to change.
Usually they are just small changes, like paint color, wallpaper,
carpets.  Simple things that I am able to overlook when we
go house hunting.   Hubby & I have made a lot of small
aesthetic changes since we moved in.  Mainly areas
that people would see when they come and visit.
So our master bath wasn't high on our "Things to Change" list.
Don't get me wrong, for the most part we really like our house.
It just needed a few simple changes.
Now that some of the other changes have been made,
it was time to start focusing on the master bath.
I always knew that I wanted a bathroom with
a beach-y look.  So I have slowly been
collecting beach items.


My inspiration for our master bath came from this
cross stitch picture I made back
in 1998.
It's of a little girl picking up seashells.
I don't think I will ever get tired of this picture.
Since we don't plan on living in this house when we retire, we didn't want to
spend a ton of money, and time, to make any major changes to this bathroom.
So I made a few simple changes to get it looking more
I already had these pictures that I got from my MIL a few years
ago and I'm so glad I held onto them.

 I hung them up in our master bath but I wasn't loving the
strong dark navy color up against the wallpaper.

So I decided to paint the frames a lighter
color.  I dug out my Paris Gray, Annie Sloan
chalk paint and got to work.

First, wipe off any dust or dirt on your project.

Place your project on a drop cloth to prevent paint from
getting onto unwanted areas.

I was being lazy and placed painter's tape on the glass because
I didn't want to disassemble them just to paint the frames.

I was now ready to start painting. 
I wanted the frames to look like they were old and
weather worn.  Kind of like a piece of driftwood.
So I roughly slapped the paint on so that
some of the navy color would show through.
After a few minutes of dry time they were
ready to be hung.

This was just the look I was going for. I  love them.
And if I ever decide to change the look again, all I have
to do is re-paint them.  Simple.
And this is what our bathroom looks like now.
So there you have it.  Our makeshift Beach-y bathroom.
Until next time,

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