Friday, July 11, 2014

Cute Flower Stand

I was checking my inbox this morning and came across
this post for a cute flower stand.

How appropriate for a country road side stand, whether it be for flowers
or vegetables, or both.

I LOVE this idea!

Doesn't this just speak country to you?  I can just picture driving along a country
road and coming across this.  I would stop at this stand for sure!

And aren't her flowers just beautiful?

Just picture this loaded with freshly pick produce.  I can hardly wait
for the produce stands to be up and running.  Not that I'm trying to rush
summer along mind you, but nothing taste better than fresh produce!  Oh my!
My mouth is salivating already!
Can you tell I love fruits & vegetables?

So if you're in the Tennessee area stop by Andrea's stand or you could just check
out her blog.

Check out Andrea's blog here to see how this was made.                 :

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