Sunday, February 22, 2015

Pure Luxury

I tend to have dry skin, especially in the winter months.
Even though I lather up my whole body
with lotion after each shower, I still have
dry skin!  I have tried so many different lotions
over the years and just couldn't seem to find one that I like.
They either left me feeling like I didn't apply any, were
too greasy, or the lotion felt like I just added glue to my skin.
You know, the kind that makes you feel tacky.
I've purchased lotions from high end department stores
thinking that they would be better.  No such luck there either!
I would break out in a rash because they had so much perfume
and other harsh chemicals to "help your skin stay youthful looking".
Not that I mind having youthful looking skin mind you.
I even went to see a Dermatologist about my dry skin.
She told me to apply Crisco shortening on my body!  WHAT!!!
True Story! I kid you not!
So silly me I did what she told me to do.  Who was I to question a Dermatologist.
I only did it a few times and quit.  It just didn't seem like a good thing to do.
I had to stand around naked waiting for it to soak in so I could put my clothes on!
And believe me that is not a pretty sight!
That stuff just wouldn't soak in!
The only thing that stuff soaked into was my clothes!
Now granted that was a few years ago and things have changed a lot since then.
Thank goodness!
So my quest for the perfect lotion continued.
Since I made my own bars of soap it got me thinking.
Why can't I make my own lotion?
That way I know exactly what is going into it.
So I did a little research and found out how easy it was to make your own.
If you can melt butter and whip egg whites you can do this.
4 simple ALL NATURAL ingredients.
1 cup Shea Butter
1/2 cup Coconut Oil
1/2 cup Almond Oil
Essential Oil of choice, for scent (optional)
Combine the Shea Butter & Coconut Oil in a double broiler (or you could melt it in
the microwave at 30 second intervals) and heat until completely melted.
Remove from the heat and let cool for 30-40 minutes.
After the allotted cooling time, it should be slightly warm still, add
the Almond oil and Essential oil.  Start with 30 drops of essential oil
and continue adding until you have the desired scent.
Transfer the mixture into your mixing bowl and place in the freezer
for 20-30 minutes until fairly solid.  You don't want it completely frozen.
Remove from freezer and whip with a mixer for 5-8 minutes
until it reaches the consistency of whipped butter.
Place in a container with a lid and start enjoying your new
LUXURIOUS Body Butter!
A little dab goes a long way.
When you first apply this you will notice the oils immediately starting to melt
from your body heat and your skin will seem oily.  Don't
worry, within minutes your body will drink this right up
and thank you with soft, silky skin!
This lotion is light enough that you can use it all year long.
I use this throughout the day as my hand lotion.  I also apply it to
my hands right before I go to bed at night.
 All Natural ingredients and no harsh chemicals!
I paired this with my Sea Salt Scrub.
I was able to get 3 - 8 ounce containers from one batch.
Until next time,

Sunday, February 15, 2015

DIY All Natural Dishwasher Detergent

I am slowly changing out our Household
and Beauty products to more natural ones.
I've already switched my Laundry Detergent
and Fabric Softener to All Natural products.
This week I thought that I would
focus on the kitchen area.
I've been using my All Natural Dishwasher Detergent
for a month now. 
You only have to use 1 tablespoon of detergent.
I was a little hesitant about only using 1 tablespoon
of detergent on my dirty dishes.
I did not rinse off any of my dishes before
placing them into the dishwasher, nor
did I add any rinse agent to the dishwasher.
 I wanted to see just how clean my
  glasses and dishes would turn out by
using this simple recipe.
I was pleasantly surprised that my glasses
and dishes came out looking spotless.
I couldn't believe how clean my
dishes and glasses were and that there was NO residue.
You only need 4, simple ingredients to make
this All Natural Dishwasher Detergent.
1 cup Borax
1 cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda - (found in the laundry aisle)  NOT BAKING SODA
1/2 cup Citric Acid (found in the canning aisle)
1/2 cup Kosher Salt
Lemon Essential Oil (optional) Place in dishwasher, not in the detergent
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix well using a spoon.
Place dishwasher detergent into an air tight container and label.
To use:  Place 1 tablespoon of detergent into your main wash bin
and add 2 drops of Lemon Essential Oil.
You do not need to add detergent into the Pre Wash bin.
This recipe yields 3 cups of detergent.
I will be keeping track of how many loads I get out of this recipe.
Give this All Natural Dishwasher detergent a try
and you will be amazed at how clean your dishes will be.
Clean dishes without any harsh chemicals!
Make sure you check back in as I have a lot of
other ideas in the works.
Until Next time,

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone out in Blogland!
We usually don't buy or do anything for Valentine's Day
for each other.
But this year we decided that we
are going out to dinner and enjoy being
married for 30 years!
I just can't believe that it has been 30 years!
WOW where have the years gone?
I have been making my own wreaths
for years.  As I was making my latest one
for Spring I thought that it would
make a beautiful Valentine's Day wreath.
I have had many requests to make, not only these wreaths, but some
of my other wreaths.
I already have 5 requests for this style of wreath
and 2 for my Christmas wreath!
I wasn't even trying to sell these!
Because I have received so many compliments on my
wreaths I have decided to make them to sell!
This wreath is a full 25" W x 9" D.
I never intended to make these to sell, I just
enjoy making my own wreaths and creating
something beautiful for our home.
I will be posting more pictures of some of my
other wreaths that I have made with all the details and dimensions.
For now I will be posting my wreaths on this
blog to see what kind of response I get for
these.  We will see if it will be worth
it to open an ETSY shop to sell my wreaths.
If you are interested in any of the styles of wreaths and would
like one custom made for you,  you can contact me through
this blog or through my email:
I would love to hear from you.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Strawberry Chia Seed Pudding

Hubby loves his sweets!
Since he has been a little under the weather lately I wanted
to make him a healthy dessert that would also satisfy his
sweet tooth.
As I was perusing the Internet for a healthy dessert,
I came upon blog with
this Strawberry Chia Seed Pudding recipe.
It sounded like it was super easy to make, was very healthy,
plus I already had all of the ingredients!
A win, win, for me!
I must say that this was one of the easiest recipes
I have every made.  Just throw everything in
a blender and blend.  Pour into individual dessert cups
and let set in the refrigerator for 1 hour.  It's that simple.
This is truly a healthy dessert.
The Greek Yogurt packs double the protein than regular yogurt,
for the same amount of calories.
It is packed with calcium and probiotics, which literally means
"for life", referring to living organisms that can result in a health benefit
when eaten in adequate amounts.
Coconut milk is loaded with vitamins and minerals.
Honey possesses antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
Chia Seeds are a good source of Omega-3 and fiber.  It is higher
in antioxidant activity than Blueberries.
Strawberries are rich in the essential nutrients Vitamin C,
potassium, folic acid and fiber.  One cup of strawberries
contain 160% of your daily needs for vitamin C, for only 50 calories!
See.  It's good for you!
And you know what?
Hubby really liked it!
So make sure you check out blog
for all her great recipes.
I'm off to make her Maple Candied Almonds now, another
quick and easy recipe.
Stay Healthy!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Cold and Flu Season

Hubby came home the other day not feeling well.
He said that he had a lot of phlegm and felt really run down.
So he went to bed right away.
He kept me up most of the night with his coughing due to the phlegm.
When he got up the next day, he said that his phlegm was worse.
But he went to work and ended up coming home early because he didn't feel well.
Hubby has a heart condition so he can't take any over the counter drugs with stimulants in them.
So I made him some Lemon Water to drink.
Disclaimer:  I am in no way a medical  expert in this department. Please do not hesitate to seek medical advise when needed.
I just use what I know works for us. 
He didn't want to drink it.
I told him "Trust Me" this will help you.
So he drank it and went to bed.
He NEVER coughed once all night.
He woke up the next day and could not believe that he didn't have as much
phlegm and he felt a little better.
Lemon water is ALL NATURAL and safe enough for children to drink.
If you have a cough you can add Honey to your Lemon Water.
1 cup of Lemon Water & 1 tablespoon Honey
*Lemons contain citric acid which helps rid the body of mucus-forming
bacteria in the respiratory system, and the
Vitamin C in lemons help to improve the immune system.
*Honey is well known as a cough suppressant, plus it acts as an
anti-bacterial to reduce the infection of the respiratory tract.
DIY Lemon Water
4 cups of Boiling Water
1 Lemon
DO NOT PEEL THE LEMON - You want that "Good For You" oil from the lemon peel.
Wash the lemon and cut into 4 wedges.  Place the quartered lemon into the boiling water and
steep for 20 minutes.  Remove lemon from the water and strain.
Drink 8 ounces of warm Lemon Water 4 to 5 times a day to relieve chest congestion due to excess phlegm.  I have Hubby drink 1 glass before he goes to bed at night.
Not only did I make Lemon Water for Hubby, I also made him
some Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup.

From the Mayo Clinic website:
Chicken soup might help relieve cold and flu symptoms in two ways.  First, it acts as an anti-inflammatory by inhibiting the movement of neutrophils - immune system cells that participate in the body's inflammatory response.  Second, it temporarily speeds up the movement of mucus, possibly helping relieve congestion and limiting the amount of time viruses are in contact with the nose lining.
Hubby loves my Chicken Noodle Soup!
He says it really helps with what ails you.  Plus it taste SO GOOD.
To speed up the cooking process I use this as my chicken broth.
*There is a low sodium version of this for those who needs to watch their sodium intake.
Here is my Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup recipe.
Feel free to copy my recipe card I made for my soup.
once you eat this soup you will never want to eat another can of store bought soup again!
Enjoy and stay HEALTHY!


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Laundry Soap Recipe

Just a quick post today for all who have inquired about my laundry soap.
This is another of those So Quick To Make recipes.
All of the ingredients can be found in your local grocery store, in the
laundry detergent aisle, except for the baking soda, which will be in
the baking aisle.
**Super Washing Soda and Baking Soda are not the same thing.
Make sure you purchase both.
Here is a time saving tip:
I use my food processor to grate my bars of Fels Naptha.
Much easier than grating by hand!
The recipe calls for 2 Tablespoons per load.  I only use 1 Tlbs. per load.
2 Tlbs. only when I have really dirty, soiled clothes.
Also, if you have a front load washer like I do,  I place the detergent in the
drum and then place my clothes in.  You don't have to do it this way, It's just
the way I prefer doing it.
So here is my recipe that I use and have GREAT results.
Feel free to use it or customize it to your scent.
Give it a try and I'm sure this will be your "GO TO" laundry detergent also.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

DIY Fabric Softener Sheets

I have always believed that the more natural the product,
the better it is for you.  I used to purchase All Natural
Organic products when our budget would allow.
Little did I know how easy and inexpensive they are to make!
Plus they work just as good, if not better, than store bought products
with harsh chemicals!
Now that we are Empty Nesters I am in the process
of making my own All Natural Home/Beauty Products.
Not only are All Natural Products chemical free,
earth friendly, they are also VERY economical!
I've already been using my All Natural All-In-One Household Cleaner,
which by the way works GREAT....
and my Homemade Laundry Soap for some time now.
I've been keeping track of how many loads of laundry I could get out
of 1 batch of laundry soap.  Can you believe that I've done 234 loads of
laundry!  Talk about economical!  That breaks down to .13 cents a load!
I'm now on my 2nd batch.  I do a LOT of laundry.
I've noticed that since I've been using this All Natural Laundry Soap,
that my Whites are Whiter.
I've had this T-shirt for 10+ years!
I knit my own dishcloths using 100% cotton yarn.
Just look at how white they are!
Last weekend I made my own bars of soap.
I already started using this soap and LOVE it!
It leaves your skin so soft and silky, with no residue feeling.
So far I have been very pleased with how these products
have performed.  And believe you me, when it comes
to household/beauty products I am very picky!
So this weekend I thought that I would try making my own
All Natural Fabric Softener to go along with my Laundry Soap.
This was SO EASY to make, and requires only 4 products that you
probably already have in your home.
2 cups Distilled white vinegar
2 cups Hair conditioner, any brand or scent (I used Suave Waterfall Mist, purchased from the Family Dollar store for $1.00 per bottle)
Sponge (I used 2)
Bring your water to a boil.   Remove from heat and add the conditioner.  Stir until
conditioner is completely dissolved.  Add the vinegar.  DONE!
Place in an airtight container and label.
I used my vinegar bottle.  I like to recycle/upcycle when I can.
I also made a label for the backside of the bottle with the ingredients and instructions.
This way when I need to make a new batch, all I have to do is refer back to the bottle.
I cut my sponge in half and placed them in a smaller container with a lid, which I keep on the dryer.
When you are ready to use your fabric softener, just grab a "sponge/dryer sheet" and
squeeze some of the liquid from the sponge, and throw it into the dryer.
You will notice a slight vinegar smell with your new fabric softener.
NO WORRIES!  The vinegar smell dissipates in the dryer and you are
left with soft, fresh, clean smelling clothes.
I've already done 4 loads of laundry and am happy to say that
"this really does work and smells good".
I will keep track of the loads of laundry I do using this to see just how
economical it is.  I'm thinking that it will last a LONG time.  I'll let you know.
Until next time,