Thursday, February 5, 2015

Laundry Soap Recipe

Just a quick post today for all who have inquired about my laundry soap.
This is another of those So Quick To Make recipes.
All of the ingredients can be found in your local grocery store, in the
laundry detergent aisle, except for the baking soda, which will be in
the baking aisle.
**Super Washing Soda and Baking Soda are not the same thing.
Make sure you purchase both.
Here is a time saving tip:
I use my food processor to grate my bars of Fels Naptha.
Much easier than grating by hand!
The recipe calls for 2 Tablespoons per load.  I only use 1 Tlbs. per load.
2 Tlbs. only when I have really dirty, soiled clothes.
Also, if you have a front load washer like I do,  I place the detergent in the
drum and then place my clothes in.  You don't have to do it this way, It's just
the way I prefer doing it.
So here is my recipe that I use and have GREAT results.
Feel free to use it or customize it to your scent.
Give it a try and I'm sure this will be your "GO TO" laundry detergent also.

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