Saturday, February 7, 2015

Cold and Flu Season

Hubby came home the other day not feeling well.
He said that he had a lot of phlegm and felt really run down.
So he went to bed right away.
He kept me up most of the night with his coughing due to the phlegm.
When he got up the next day, he said that his phlegm was worse.
But he went to work and ended up coming home early because he didn't feel well.
Hubby has a heart condition so he can't take any over the counter drugs with stimulants in them.
So I made him some Lemon Water to drink.
Disclaimer:  I am in no way a medical  expert in this department. Please do not hesitate to seek medical advise when needed.
I just use what I know works for us. 
He didn't want to drink it.
I told him "Trust Me" this will help you.
So he drank it and went to bed.
He NEVER coughed once all night.
He woke up the next day and could not believe that he didn't have as much
phlegm and he felt a little better.
Lemon water is ALL NATURAL and safe enough for children to drink.
If you have a cough you can add Honey to your Lemon Water.
1 cup of Lemon Water & 1 tablespoon Honey
*Lemons contain citric acid which helps rid the body of mucus-forming
bacteria in the respiratory system, and the
Vitamin C in lemons help to improve the immune system.
*Honey is well known as a cough suppressant, plus it acts as an
anti-bacterial to reduce the infection of the respiratory tract.
DIY Lemon Water
4 cups of Boiling Water
1 Lemon
DO NOT PEEL THE LEMON - You want that "Good For You" oil from the lemon peel.
Wash the lemon and cut into 4 wedges.  Place the quartered lemon into the boiling water and
steep for 20 minutes.  Remove lemon from the water and strain.
Drink 8 ounces of warm Lemon Water 4 to 5 times a day to relieve chest congestion due to excess phlegm.  I have Hubby drink 1 glass before he goes to bed at night.
Not only did I make Lemon Water for Hubby, I also made him
some Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup.

From the Mayo Clinic website:
Chicken soup might help relieve cold and flu symptoms in two ways.  First, it acts as an anti-inflammatory by inhibiting the movement of neutrophils - immune system cells that participate in the body's inflammatory response.  Second, it temporarily speeds up the movement of mucus, possibly helping relieve congestion and limiting the amount of time viruses are in contact with the nose lining.
Hubby loves my Chicken Noodle Soup!
He says it really helps with what ails you.  Plus it taste SO GOOD.
To speed up the cooking process I use this as my chicken broth.
*There is a low sodium version of this for those who needs to watch their sodium intake.
Here is my Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup recipe.
Feel free to copy my recipe card I made for my soup.
once you eat this soup you will never want to eat another can of store bought soup again!
Enjoy and stay HEALTHY!


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