Sunday, February 22, 2015

Pure Luxury

I tend to have dry skin, especially in the winter months.
Even though I lather up my whole body
with lotion after each shower, I still have
dry skin!  I have tried so many different lotions
over the years and just couldn't seem to find one that I like.
They either left me feeling like I didn't apply any, were
too greasy, or the lotion felt like I just added glue to my skin.
You know, the kind that makes you feel tacky.
I've purchased lotions from high end department stores
thinking that they would be better.  No such luck there either!
I would break out in a rash because they had so much perfume
and other harsh chemicals to "help your skin stay youthful looking".
Not that I mind having youthful looking skin mind you.
I even went to see a Dermatologist about my dry skin.
She told me to apply Crisco shortening on my body!  WHAT!!!
True Story! I kid you not!
So silly me I did what she told me to do.  Who was I to question a Dermatologist.
I only did it a few times and quit.  It just didn't seem like a good thing to do.
I had to stand around naked waiting for it to soak in so I could put my clothes on!
And believe me that is not a pretty sight!
That stuff just wouldn't soak in!
The only thing that stuff soaked into was my clothes!
Now granted that was a few years ago and things have changed a lot since then.
Thank goodness!
So my quest for the perfect lotion continued.
Since I made my own bars of soap it got me thinking.
Why can't I make my own lotion?
That way I know exactly what is going into it.
So I did a little research and found out how easy it was to make your own.
If you can melt butter and whip egg whites you can do this.
4 simple ALL NATURAL ingredients.
1 cup Shea Butter
1/2 cup Coconut Oil
1/2 cup Almond Oil
Essential Oil of choice, for scent (optional)
Combine the Shea Butter & Coconut Oil in a double broiler (or you could melt it in
the microwave at 30 second intervals) and heat until completely melted.
Remove from the heat and let cool for 30-40 minutes.
After the allotted cooling time, it should be slightly warm still, add
the Almond oil and Essential oil.  Start with 30 drops of essential oil
and continue adding until you have the desired scent.
Transfer the mixture into your mixing bowl and place in the freezer
for 20-30 minutes until fairly solid.  You don't want it completely frozen.
Remove from freezer and whip with a mixer for 5-8 minutes
until it reaches the consistency of whipped butter.
Place in a container with a lid and start enjoying your new
LUXURIOUS Body Butter!
A little dab goes a long way.
When you first apply this you will notice the oils immediately starting to melt
from your body heat and your skin will seem oily.  Don't
worry, within minutes your body will drink this right up
and thank you with soft, silky skin!
This lotion is light enough that you can use it all year long.
I use this throughout the day as my hand lotion.  I also apply it to
my hands right before I go to bed at night.
 All Natural ingredients and no harsh chemicals!
I paired this with my Sea Salt Scrub.
I was able to get 3 - 8 ounce containers from one batch.
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a formula that has a sugar scrub type ingredient? I like some sort of exfoliation for occasional use.
