Thursday, October 23, 2014

Brisk Fall Morning

It's cold here, 39 degrees!
Yesterday we had a heavy frost.
As I was opening the blinds this morning
to let in the morning sun, I just had to step outside to take this picture.
 A beautiful early morning fall sky.
We usually don't see much fall color here.
We have a lot of oak trees which just turn
yellow and then to brown.  Pretty blah.
But this year Mother Nature decided to fool us and give us some color!
This is our view out our front window.
Here is a picture of it when I stepped outside.
This one is taken from the back porch looking toward the front.
This past weekend Hubby put all the furniture on the
back porch away for the winter.  It looks so bare
back there now.  I'm not ready for winter yet.
Heck, I'm never ready for winter!
We're expected to have scattered showers today
and a high of 53 degrees.  I see the clouds are
already starting to roll in.
There goes our fall colors!  Hubby has his work cut out
for him.  The back yard is already covered in a
blanket of leaves.
Even though he has a bagger that attaches to his tractor,
it's still a lot of work to gather the leaves.  He doesn't
mind too much because it gets him outdoors in the fresh air.
Now if he can just stay away from the poison ivy!
That's it for today.  Enjoy the beautiful fall days
while you can!
Happy Fall Y'all,

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