Wednesday, October 8, 2014


This past Saturday and Sunday were busy, crazy, hectic, jammed packed days.  I bring these days of craziness upon myself.  This I know.  Yes, it's CRAZY!   I know just what you're thinking.  Who in their right mind would want to bring on all that CRAZINESS!?  All I can say is that I AM A CREATIVE PERSON!  Let me try and explain to all of you, as best I can, why I do what I do.  My mind NEVER shuts off.  To some, it's a curse.  To me, it's a PASSION!  I have a deep seeded, burning DESIRE to be CREATIVE.  It is an addiction that I CAN'T control.  It is like a caged lion ROARING to be released.  I NEED to be creative.  Most people think it's too much work.  I don't see it that way.  I THRIVE on being a creative person.  I LOVE and ENJOY being a creative person!  When I am amongst the chaotic creativeness, whether it be for myself or someone else, I am at my most PEACEFUL and CONTENT self.  Being creative relaxes, feeds me mentally, keeps me grounded, and soothe my soul. I could write an entire essay about how passionate I am about being a CREATIVE PERSON and how it brings me such JOY!   I believe that we are given exactly what we need when we need it.  No MORE and no LESS.  I also know that I will NEVER be so consumed by my passion that it will OVERWHELM me and BREAK my soul.  I know that it is controlled and balanced for me.   Most people wonder all their life, "What is my PURPOSE in life"?  I have come to the realization, and know, without a doubt, what my PURPOSE in life is.  It is to be a CREATIVE PERSON.  I was MEANT to be CREATIVE!  I have MULTIPLE facets of my CREATIVENESS!  It's GOD given and I accept that and won't apologize, or make excuses for who I am.  I am what I am and that's ALL that I am.  And I embrace it WHOLEHEARTEDLY!
Sorry about all the rambling on, I just needed to get that out.  I got a little side tracked there but please bear with me on this post.  I will eventually get to where I was going with it.

See!  There goes my mind again working overtime.
So let's get back on track.  The following is a little insight into a typical CRAZY weekend for me.

Each Fall this need to be creative is stronger than any other time of year.  With working nights full time I have so little time to release my creative side.  That's why I SO look forward to my weekends and try to pack in as much as I can.  I have to take full advantage of the little time allotted to me!  So with only 4 hours of sleep, after working all night Friday, I was up and running with more energy than you can imagine on Saturday morning.  I knew that I wanted to go to the pumpkin farm so that I could release my creative beast.  While I was there I picked up a bunch of apples, this pumpkin farm also happens to be an apple orchard.  I originally bought the apples to take one to work with me each day as a snack, well to be honest with you, I knew that wasn't the only reason I bought them.  So Saturday, between decorating the house for Fall, snapping pictures for my blog, and stopping to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for Hubby & myself, it was crazy, busy.  By 10:00 that evening I had finally hit a wall.  I needed to get some sleep.  But I wasn't done with everything I needed to do!  It didn't matter I needed to get some sleep.  So off to bed I went.
Bright and early Sunday morning I was up and at it again.  Sunday was finishing up the decorating, yes I did more than what I posted, doing laundry and all of the other tasks that come along with keeping up a household.   Making breakfast, lunch and dinner again, and then throwing in some baking "Goodies" time it was another busy, fulfilling day.  At times like these  Hubby calls me "CRAZY" and "INSANE" because I can't sit still.  He says I make his "HEAD SPIN".  Little does he know, I THRIVE on this stuff!
I had a can of pumpkin in my pantry that I wanted to use up.  So I decided to make some Pumpkin Streusel Crumb Bread with Maple Glaze.  This bread smells so good baking.  No need to burn any fall scented candles when this is baking!  I couldn't just make 2 loaves.  NO.  I had to make 4 so that I could freeze some for later!  Oh well, just look at all of that yumminess!

With some of the apples I decided to make an Apple Crumb Pie for the Hubby.  I don't like apple pie but I don't mind making them for my loved ones.  It gives me a reason to be creative!  Although, I didn't get creative with the crust on this pie!  That didn't deter the yummy aroma emanating from this pie baking. 
And of course I couldn't do all this baking without thinking of my co-workers. So I made them some
Cake Mix Peanut Butter Cup Brownies.
I think I have finally quieted the creative beast inside of me for the time being.  See.  It's all GOOD being creative!  I hope I haven't overwhelmed you too much about my crazy, busy lifestyle.  It's crazy, I know, but I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING!  That's all for now folks.
Creatively Happy,

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