Monday, October 13, 2014

The Final Destination

As we were heading out of the Grand Tetons to our
final destination we started to see the fall colors.
Our timing couldn't have been any better!
We hit it at the peak season for fall color!
Every corner we turned there was color splashed along
the mountain side.

And then we came upon the Snake River.
This is one of the rivers that is on Hubby's bucket list to fish.
So of coarse I had to get a picture of Hubby with the Snake River.
See him smiling?  He was in AWE.
The end of the fall colors.
We've FINALLY reached our final destination!
A little bit about Park City, Utah.
 Park City, Utah helped host the 2002 Olympic Winter Games, deemed the most successful Winter Olympics ever. (We weren't able to visit the site where the Olympics were held because it is only open to the public on Saturdays and we left Saturday morning.  Double Bummer)
130 years ago people flocked to Park City, Utah to mine the precious metal silver.  During the mining years, the mountains surrounding Park City yielded $400 million in silver and created 23 millionaires, including the newspaper publisher, William Hearst.
Today, Park City is a unique blend of the old and new.  Sixty-four of Park City's building are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, many which are located along the town's Main Street, and more than 1,200 miles of tunnels wind through the surrounding mountains, remnants of the mining era.
Main Street is uniquely beautiful.
It is a work in progress.

We liked how they preserved and restored the old buildings and built the new ones around them.
We can't forget about the Post Office.
We LOVED Park City!
We could picture ourselves living here!
It was so peaceful here.
Wealthy people from all over flock to Park City.
Although there is a lot of wealth here, it was one of the most laid back places
we have visited.  The locals were so friendly here.  It felt like you were in a small hometown.
It didn't hurt either that the weather was perfect.
Beautiful blue skies with gentle breezes.
I highly recommend visiting Park City, Utah.
We saw a lot of the houses built on the side of the hills.
These were across the road from our hotel.
This is where we stayed.
Right on Main Street.
I hope that you have enjoyed taking a virtual tour of our Road Trip.
We love to travel and plan on doing a lot more of it.  So
stay tuned for the next BIG adventure!
Until next time,

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