Sunday, October 5, 2014

For Purple Mountains Majesties

Are you ready for the next
stop of our trip?
After our day trip through Yellowstone
we drove to Cody, Wyoming and spent the night.
We got up bright and early again
and headed to our next destination.
Here we are!
It was another beautifully, sunny day.
It wasn't long into the drive before we started to
see the Tetons.

Here we are coming around the corner.

Each corner we turned we saw another
stunning view.

How about a view through the trees?
We are still a long way away from them.

We finally arrived!
America, The Beautiful.....
For purple mountains majesties....
God shed His grace on thee.
These were truly Majestic mountains.
They were breathtakingly, beautiful!
You don't realize how GRAND they are until
you actually see them.
We were in awe.
After spending some time admiring this view we reluctantly
continued on.  We drove for a short while and I decided that
I needed a bathroom break.  We came upon a sign that said
Marina, next right.  I figured they must have a bathroom
somewhere near by so we turned in. When we pulled in
we were surrounded by pine trees.  Luckily for me there
was a building with restrooms.  After we took our break,
I noticed that there was a path leading down to the marina.
You couldn't see anything from the restroom area and I
wanted to see what the marina looked like,
so we walked down to it.
This is what we saw.
Boy, am I glad I had to go to the bathroom!
It was an amazingly, STUNNING view!
It literally took my breath away!
It was so calm and peaceful here.
All you heard was the sound of the wind blowing through the pine trees.
We sure weren't expecting that!
Hubby never complained again when I said I needed to go
to the bathroom.
This picture I took as we were getting towards the end
of the park.  I thought the fall colors, with the mountains
in the background was beautiful.  I actually set this
picture on my work computer as my desktop picture.
I can't tell you how many times people have commented
on this picture and wanted to know where I got it from.
They were surprised when I told them that I took it.
"It looks so professional" they say.
I've had so many positive comments about
some of my pictures that I am going to
have a few of them printed and framed.
This way I will be able to display them
in our home to remind us of our
many trips.
Wouldn't this be a beautiful picture displayed behind a couch, or above a fireplace?
These 2 pictures were taken while leaving the park.
I had Hubby pull over so that I could get out of
the car and take one final goodbye picture.
I hope you have enjoyed our pictures from our
trip so far.
Stay tuned for the final leg of our 3,200 mile
road trip.
Enjoy the views.
Until next time,

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